In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contents of Volume 73
No Page
Bevir, Mark: Symposium. Post-Analytic Historicism .................. 4 657
Burke, Martin J.: Introduction: Symposium on Quentin Skinner, From Method to Politics ..................................................... 1 69
Callisen, Christian Thorsten: Georg Calixtus, Isaac Casaubon, and the Consensus of Antiquity ........................................... 1 1
Degen, Andreas: Concepts of Fascination, from Democritus to Kant .................................................................................... 3 371
Fogel, Joshua A.: 2011 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture: The Gold Seal of 57 ce and the Afterlife of an Inanimate Object ........ 3 351
Frigo, Alberto: Can One Speak of Painting if One Cannot Hold a Brush?: Giulio Mancini, Medicine, and the Birth of the Connoisseur ........................................................................ 3 417
Garsten, Bryan: Symposium on Quentin Skinner. Liberalism and The Rhetorical Vision of Politics ......................................... 1 83
Grigoriev, Serge: Chauncey Wright: Theoretical Reason in a Naturalist Account of Human Consciousness ...................... 4 559
Hess, Jillian M.: Coleridge’s Fly-Catchers: Adapting Commonplace-Book Form .................................................. 3 463
Ilany, Ofri: From Divine Commandment to Political Act: The Eighteenth-Century Polemic on the Extermination of the Canaanites .......................................................................... 3 437
Jackson, Ben: Freedom, the Common Good, and the Rule of Law: Lippmann and Hayek on Economic Planning ............. 1 47
Jordan, Sara R. with Cary J. Nederman: Symposium. The Logic of the History of Ideas and the Study of Comparative Political Theory ................................................................... 4 627
Jumonville, Neil: Review-Essay: Learn This Forward but Understand It Backward ...................................................... 1 147
Keedus, Liisi: Liberalism and the Question of “The Proud”: Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss as Readers of Hobbes ....... 2 319
Keller, Vera: Accounting for Invention: Guido Pancirolli’s Lost and Found Things and the Development of Desiderata ....... 2 223
Lane, Melissa: Symposium on Quentin Skinner. Doing Our Own Thinking for Ourselves: On Quentin Skinner’s Genealogical Turn .................................................................................... 1 71
Lane, Melissa: The Origins of the Statesman-Demagogue Distinction in and after Ancient Athens ............................... [End Page 675] 2 179
Lifschitz, Avi: The Arbitrariness of the Linguistic Sign: Variations on an Enlightenment Theme ............................... 4 537
Liu, Yu: The Religiosity of a Former Confucian-Buddhist: The Catholic Faith of Yang Tingyun .......................................... 1 25
Martinich, A. P.: Symposium. A Moderate Logic of the History of Ideas ............................................................................... 4 609
O’Neill, Daniel I.: Symposium. Revisiting the Middle Way: The Logic of the History of Ideas after More Than a Decade 4 583
Palmer, Ada: Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance .................... 3 395
Pettit, Philip: Symposium on Quentin Skinner. Freedom in Hobbes’s Ontology and Semantics: A Comment on Quentin Skinner ................................................................................ 1 111
Richards, Jennifer: Useful Books: Reading Vernacular Regimens in Sixteenth-Century England .............................................. 2 247
Ron, Amit: Symposium. The Logic of the Historian and the Logic of the Citizen ....................................................................... 4 643
Rose, Anne C.: An American Science of Feeling: Harvard’s Psychology of Emotion during the World War I Era ............ 3 485
Seagrave, S. Adam: Identity and Diversity in the History of Ideas: A Reply to Brian Tierney ..................................................... 1 163
Skinner, Quentin: Symposium on Quentin Skinner. On the Liberty Of the Ancients and the Moderns: A Reply to My Critics ................................................................................. 1 127
Susato, Ryu: Taming “The Tyranny of Priests”: Hume’s Advocacy of Religious Establishments ................................. 2 273
Thompson, Martyn P.: Symposium. The Logic of the History of Ideas: Mark Bevir and Michael Oakeshott .......................... 4 593
Truitt, E. R.: Celestial Divination and Arabic Science in Twelfth-Century England: The History of Gerbert of Aurillac’s Talking Head ....................................................................... 2 201
Urbinati, Nadia: Symposium on Quentin Skinner. Republicanism after the French Revolution: The Case of Sismonde de Sismondi ............................................................................. 1 95
Vovchenko, Denis: Modernizing Orthodoxy: Russia and the Christian East (1856–1914) ................................................ 2 295
Zahora, Tomas: Thomist Scholarship and Plagiarism in the Early Enlightenment: Jacques Echard Reads the Speculum morale, Attributed to Vincent of Beauvais ........................................ 4 515

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