In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Keeley's Fog
  • Andrew E. Colarusso (bio)

when a flapping of wings            by sound
alone makes presence known-    -she wakes

abrades clarity                              of the palm
in the scorn of strangers    -and the starved

in the middle of-                  what from her
belly is misst-                    moaning I want-

flayed                                      -you are neither
to have his baby        -nor will you be free

beating against the floodgate-        -an egret
carrying an eye          humming in the cold

from the depths                                of this fog
you will not find your nest or the memory

downbourn of a cataract                and jingle
unborn in the brush      of berries perfumed

of never having had a nest        -you remain
and listen to a flapping        as the creek rise

there are ghosts                        -forming while
sitting in a room-        with people who all

outside things do moan        bottled desire
but only in the light            -and quietly

they have for you-        in accordance with
the laws of god and                          man are

the lives of birds-                              affirmed
a world of spirits-                  -on the b side

-questions they want what          -darkness
hobbled within you              for soft science

I saw a pigeon                with a broken wing
huddled-                      -under the architrave

and through this              the consciousness
of fog-      -assumes creation of the fogged

outside-                -of a chiropractor s office
staring into the glass waiting for a healing [End Page 580]

Andrew E. Colarusso

Andrew E. Colarusso earned the BA in comparative literature from New York University and is currently pursuing the MFA from Brown University. This native New Yorker is founding editor of The Broome Street Review.


