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Leibniz at Albertsons for Richard Cecil Richard, you tell me there's a seriousness to umbrellas: a brisk duty, a frown on faces of people who walk beneath bobbing umbrellas. They are unhappy. Sometimes, I must think hard about what cat food to buy. Not the Prufrock battling fashion and passivity, but economics, bread and butter, what a cat would eat. So let's say what happens to you as you read this poem, whatever bioelectric waves occur in your brain, Richard, do match these words. Perhaps it happens all the time. Because this poem will end with the word rain, and perhaps, perhaps what I perceive at that moment is what you perceive. Perhaps between the indecipherable word and gesture, we do get it right. We can call that God. Never mind. We have to live. So do you Richard, with your fascination of umbrellas (you might call it death). I live too. So do my cats, Scout and Jem. They have no use for umbrellas. Richard, life can be kind, even in buying cat food or finding shelter from rain. James Brock Indiana University 233 ...

