In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Other Books Received
Adams, Alison, Stephen Rawles, and Alison Saunders. A Bibliography of Claude-François Menestrier. Printed Editions, 1655–1765. [Travaux du Grand Siècle, No XL.] (Geneva: Librairie Droz S. A. 2012. Pp. LVIII, 518. $122.40 paperback.)
Barnes, Steven A. Death and Redemption: The Gulag and the Shaping of Soviet Society. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2011. Pp. xii, 352. $35.00 paperback.)
Blanco, Luigi (Ed.). Dottrine e istituzioni in Occidente. [Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Quaderni, 83.] (Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino. 2011. Pp. 256. €20,00 paperback.) Two of the ten essays published in this volume are “Stato e chiesa: passato, presente e futuro del modello di cooperazione tedesco,” by Christof Dipper (pp. 87–108), and “La chiesa cattolica in Germania dopo la secolarizzazione: una nuova identità gerarchica,” by Wolfgang Schieder (pp. 109–28).
Bowker, John. The Message and The Book: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 2012. Pp. viii, 408. $30.00.)
Brown, Christopher Boyd (Ed.). Luther’s Works, Vol. 60: Prefaces II. (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 2011. Pp. xx, 386. $49.99.) This volume contains Luther’s prefaces to the works of others from 1532 to 1545.
Burns, J. Patout, Jr. (Ed. and Trans.). Romans: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators. [The Church’s Bible.] (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing. 2012. Pp. xxviii, 428. $46.00.)
Caravale, Giorgio. Forbidden Prayer: Church Censorship and Devotional Literature in Renaissance Italy. Translated by Peter Dawson. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. 2011. Pp. xii, 296. $124.95.) Originally published as L’orazione proibita: Censura ecclesiastica e letteratura devozionale nella prima età moderna by Leo S. Olschki in 2003 and reviewed by Franco Mormando, ante, XC (2004), 790–91.
Curran, Robert Emmett (Ed.). John Dooley’s Civil War: An Irish American’s Journey in the First Virginia Infantry Regiment. [Voices of the Civil War.] Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 2012. Pp. xxxiv, 516. $59.00.)
Dane, Joseph A. What Is a Book? The Study of Early Printed Books. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 2012. Pp. xvi, 278. $30.00 paperback.) [End Page 645]
Gau, Maurizio (Ed.). L’Europa di De Gasperi e Adenauer. La sfida della ricostruzione (1945–1951).[Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, Quaderni, 84.] (Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino. 2011. Pp. 500. €34,00 paperback.)
Hoberman, Michael. New Israel/New England: Jews and Puritans in Early America. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. 2011. Pp. xvi, 280. $28.95 paperback.)
Kinney, Angela M. (Ed.). The Vulgate Bible. Vol. IV: The Major Prophetical Books. Douay-Rheims Translation. Introduction by Swift Edgar. [Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library.] (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2012. Pp. xxxviii, 1130. $29.95.)
Lewis, Neil, and Rega Wood (Eds.). Richard Rufus of Cornwall: In Aristotelis de Generatione et Corruptione. [Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, 21.] (New York: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. 2011. Pp. xxiv, 326. $135.00.)
Martin, Dale B. New Testament History and Literature. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 2012. Pp. xiv, 448. $18.00 paperback.)
Miller, Keith. St. Peter’s. [Wonders of the World.] (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2012. Pp. xx, 232. $14.95 paperback.) Originally published by Profile Books, Ltd., London, in 2007.
Monter, William. The Rise of Female Kings in Europe, 1300–1800. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 2012. Pp. xviii, 272. $38.00.)
Ondus, Sr. Bernadette Marie, SS. C. M. (Ed.). 2011 Dobry Pastier/Good Shepherd. (Harrisburg, PA: Slovak Catholic Federation. 2011. Pp. 320. Paperback.)
O’Rourke, William. The Harrisburg 7 and the New Catholic Left. 40th Anniversary Edition. With a new afterword. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 2012. Pp. xx, 322. $27.00 paperback, $19.00 e-book available at Originally published in 1972.
Özertural, Zekine, and Jens Wilkens (Eds.). Der östliche Manichäismus. Gattungs– und Werksgeschichte. Vorträge des Göttinger Symposiums vom 4./5. März 2010. [Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge, Band 17. Schriften der Kommission „Manichäische Studien,“ Band I.] (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2011. Pp. x, 238. €93,41.)
Pilkinton, Mark C. Washington Hall at Notre Dame: Crossroads of...

