In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • 八首诗
  • 宇 向 (bio)
    Translated by Fiona Sze-Lorrain (bio)



8月17 日天气预报

各位观众,大家好!现在向您播报今夜和明天的天气状况:23点至凌晨 3点左右两条在黑暗中交媾的蛇将降临泺源大街,它们经常尾随刺客入室请该街的住户关好门窗,同时《幻想即兴》会随风起舞,并伴有W形闪电。请大家上网时注意东经 40,北纬 117.9的逆向时速,一定避开后现代女权思潮。另外,明晨气温将继续下降,处女膜修补术、男性生殖器二次发育液将同西伯利亚寒流一起从报纸中缝向偏南方向移动,并在泉城广场上空停留,短时有流星雨,提醒大家注意防范爱情,不然幸福会令你吃尽苦头。今天的天气预报播送完了,谢谢收看。 [End Page 116]





没有光线,没有光线,色彩像睡眠里的对话。夜里,我直接将黑与白挤到画布上。 [End Page 118] 白,涂抹鲜血,黑,爆炸,中间的灰调子近似于抽象的政府









我高龄。能做任何人的祖母当我右手举起面具左手握住心,我必定 [End Page 120] 货真价实。拥有古老的手艺给老鼠剃毛。把烛台弄炸被豹子吞噬。使马路柔肠寸断分崩离析那些已分崩离析的人我懂得羞涩的仪式会忍痛割爱。当太阳自山头升起照耀舞台中央的时候我就是传统,无人逾越当我把祭器高举里面溅出幽灵的血。是我在人间忍受着羞辱我是思想界最大的智慧最小的聪明。调换左右眼就隐藏了慈悲和邪恶而在每一个精确的时刻我到纺织机后配制泪水把换来的钱攒起来现在我打算退休成为平凡无害的人

我想到的窗子是美丽的因为它们框住了流动的风景从里面看总是这样我不知道外面的人怎样看也不想知道我妈妈的窗子在二十层每次看到它我都会有冲出去的想法我自己的窗子在一层它框住随意经过的人和一个刻意到这里的人我的办公室在地下窗子开在最上方在一个扁小的长方形里我要抬头才能看到污水、彷徨和失落 [End Page 122]




另一些又粘了一会在人的袖口衣领脖子脸眼睛 周围用细长的腿或者舌头(已经分不清是腿还是舌头)有几个钻进头发里以为找到了它们的黑丛林






不缺少疲倦的交谈渡夜的人在稚气和病态间摇摆 [End Page 124] 要糟蹋些什么,活着要亵渎些什么冬天仍在啤酒里两块冰块彼此稀释明天,他们仍然要与一些继续生活的人交错而过

仍然要步行要记忆里重逢着被捏碎的容颜我们,一眼认出那个背叛的人 [End Page 126]

Eight Poems

Yu Xiang

It Goes Without Saying

when I'm old    somewill still    travel milesto love me    but otherswill once again jilt me

Weather Forecast, August 17

ladies and gentlemen, hello!here is the weather forecast for tonightand tomorrowfrom 2300 till 3 in the morningtwo snakes copulating in the darkwill arrive at Luoyuan Streetthey often trail assassins into the houseresidents, please shut your doors and windowsthe "Fantasie Impromptu" will begin its dance in the windaccompanied by zigzag lightninginternet surfers, look out for a backward velocityat longitude 40° east and latitude 117.9° northand avoid postmodern feminist wavestemperatures will also continue to fall tomorrow morninghymenoplastypenis enhancement geland a cold front from Siberiawill creep southward along the central folds of a newspaperand linger over the Fountain City Squareexpect brief meteor showersbrace against loveif not, happiness will make you sufferthat's all for today's weather forecastthank you for tuning in [End Page 117]

A Painting Life


I must make up my mind to paint some outdoor sceneslike going to work every daymust pass by those puffy strawberries and chickenspass by illegal books, sex diseases, legendsa beggar couple singing "Visit Home"a distorted history, a dustyfugitive, like refinery tailings, dug and re-dugfilled but never finally leveledCultural Street, Peace Street, improvised quotesand undefined anger . . .


I want to paint expression and posturenot even stopping when menstruatinglest sirens interfere with the brush's angle and directionHowever law and justice may opposea beauty is still a living miracleshe spends away life like colorsMy good comradeas long as I can draw you in memoryI'll always have something to do


I want to paint some still lifessell them cheap to get byI take down my forefathers' awards and medalsstained with glorious corrosiondig out a pile of red leather diplomas from the bottom of a boxthen unscrew the beacon lights in the living roomFor a lyrical feel, I arrange them again and againthese still lifes, like the last nobles


No light, no lightcolors, like a sleep dialogueAt night, I squeeze black and white right onto the canvas [End Page 119] white smudges bloodblack explodesthe gray in-between like an abstract government


Sometimes I paint nude voicesWhen a news broadcast brings the voice of wind,from a double bed Ican hear a street vendorand in River Amsterdamrecognize instantly "the vast lingering of sea"Someone says, Drawing degenerates manI'll keep degenerating


If I still have the strength, still have the strengthI'll send you a painting, withno title or signaturelike one exile after another

Like Humans

many things in the dark are like humanslike those sitting standing lying squatting coiling rolling now walkinglike humans in every pose

in the dark all things are human-like, like humans

startling you like humans do

such as trees desk clock toilet bowl broom empty chair chipped wall and stoneand an unlocked window a big pile of books a pool of blood or a urine stainand one or two humans staying in the dark


I reach a lofty age. Can be a grandmother to anyoneWhen my right hand lifts a maskthe left holds a heart. I'm indeed [End Page 121] authentic, with ancient craftsmanshipto shave fur off mice. Or explode candlesticksDevoured by leopards. I break roadsdisintegrate people already disintegratedI understand shy ritualscan bear to part with what I love. As the sun riseslighting up the center stageI'm the tradition, beaten by no oneAs I uphold ritual vesselsghost blood splatters. I'm the onewho bears humiliation in this worldIn the realm of thoughts I...

