In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • SymbiosisS
  • Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald

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© 2011 Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald. Photo © 2011 Eszter Ozsvald.

SymbiosisS is part of a collection of textile interfaces, SymbiosisO ("O" for objects), which behave as organic displays and react to definable impulses by showing pre-defined patterns that animate slowly over the surface. It welcomes viewers to sit and rest on soft-folded material that displays an active, slowly shifting pattern. When excited, the pattern starts forming, in a playful, curious way, around the place where the textile was touched. Once the disturbance is abated, the pattern continues its peaceful expansion. This vivacious interaction of a vibrant pattern is a demonstration of the potential for tangible textile interfaces. Ubiquitous computation - an active, programmable secondary skin to surround everyday objects - is an ambient, "noiseless," and thus vigorous way to visualize information and form space.

Production of SymbiosisS involves both handicraft and specialized digital fabrication. Electronics that activate a heat-sensitive coating layer are embedded in the soft structure. The substrate is felt, which has exceptional material properties (sound isolation, heat preservation, biodegradable, etc.). The geometry of the patterns is derived from Voronoi tessellation algorithms, which, in this case, intuitively suggest folding the material into a three-dimensional landscape. The general concept of the work is a tribute to the ultimate power of evolution, where not only human civilization affects the environment, but nature itself also reacts and adapts to these changes. Instead of criticizing civilization's impact on the environment, the emphasis focuses on exploration of new types of mutant living beings. [End Page 388]

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© 2011 Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald. Figure © 2011 Kärt Ojavee.

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© 2011 Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald. Photo © 2011 Eszter Ozsvald.

Kärt Ojavee is an Estonian designer and researcher who has been working on active and interactive textiles since 2004. Currently, she is working with the Centre for Biorobotics (Estonia) to create interactive textiles for waiting rooms. The focus in her textile designs is on patterns and new approaches to materials.

Eszter Ozsvald is a Hungarian designer, technologist, and media artist based in New York. Currently, she is enrolled in New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program (USA), where she continues to seek creative interdisciplinary applications with a technological edge. [End Page 389]

Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald

