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Plate 1.

Margi Sathi interpreting Kṛsṇa in Pūtana Mōksam, Tṛśśūr, 2007. (Photo: Coralie Casassas)

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Plate 2.

Usha Nangiar as Draupadi. (Photo: K. K. Gopalakrishnan)

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Plate 3.

The troupe of Krishna (krishna gana). Krishna, in black, stands in the middle. He is flanked by his two wives, Rukminī (on the right) and Satyabhāmā (on the left) (Nov 2008). (Photo: Gérard Toffin)

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Plate 4.

Shitajvar, A Shaivite deity, with his three-headed mask (Brahmā, Vishnu and Māheshvar), on the fourth day of the program of the kāttī-pyākhã of Lalitpur, Nepal (Nov. 2008). (Photo: Gérard Toffin)

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Plate 5.

Narasimha with his lion face, amidst blazing torches on the final day of the program of kāttī-pyākhã (Nov. 2008) in Lalitpur, Nepal. (Photo: Gérard Toffin)

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Plate 6.

"Ta ge" (foot stamp song) a choreography by Sun Ying in the Han-Tang Zhongguo gudianwu style. (Photo: Courtesy of the Beijing Dance Academy Han-Tang Program)

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Plate 7.

Dancer of the Tongque Stage (Tongque ji) a full-length dance drama by Sun Ying in the Han-Tang Zhongguo gudianwu style. (Photo: Liu Caiyun, Courtesy of the Beijing Dance Academy Han-Tang Program)

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Plate 8.

Dancer of the Tongque Stage (Tongque ji) a full-length dance drama by Sun Ying in the Han-Tang Zhongguo gudianwu style. (Photo: Liu Caiyun, Courtesy of the Beijing Dance Academy Han-Tang Program)


