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  • Contributors

Alice Bell is senior lecturer in English language and literature in the Humanities Department at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. She is the principal investigator of the Digital Fiction International Network and has published a monograph entitled The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction (2010) as well as articles on digital fiction and narrative theory in Contemporary Stylistics (2007), New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age (2011), and Narrative.

Nick Davis is lecturer in English at the University of Liverpool, UK. The author of Stories of Chaos: Reason and Its Displacement in Early Modern English Narrative (1999), he is co-editor of the International Journal of Literature and Psychology and is currently writing a book titled Early Modern Writing and the Privatization of Experience. His research interests include early modern literature and drama, literature and science relations, perceptions and constructions of popular culture, and narrative theory.

Astrid Ensslin is senior lecturer in digital humanities at Bangor University, UK. She is the author of Canonizing Hypertext: Explorations and Constructions (2007) and The Language of Gaming (2011), and coeditor of Language in the Media: Representations, Identities, Ideologies (2007) and Creating Second Lives: Community, Identity and Spatiality [End Page 151] as Constructions of the Virtual (2011). She is principal editor of Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds and cofounder of the Leverhulme-funded Digital Fiction International Network. Her research interests include electronic literature, video games, and virtual worlds. Her current work focuses on literary gaming and on analyzing digital fiction using functional ludo-narrativism.

Amit Marcus teaches narrative theory at the Colleges of Beit Berl and Yezreel Valley and at the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya in Israel. He is the author of Self-Deception in Literature and Philosophy (2007) and twelve articles on topics that include unreliable narration, "we" fictional narratives, narrative ethics, and clone narratives. He has held scholarships, funded by the Minerva and Humboldt Foundations, at the Universities of Freiburg and Giessen in Germany.

Jarmila Mildorf is lecturer in English literature and language at the University of Paderborn, Germany. She is the author of Storying Domestic Violence: Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners (2007) and coeditor of Magic, Science, Technology and Literature (2006), Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling (a special issue of Partial Answers 6.2, 2008) and Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a Literary Form (2012). Her research interests are in narratology, sociolinguistics, stylistics, and gender studies.

Daniel Punday is professor of English at Purdue University Calumet. He is the author of Narrative after Deconstruction (2003), Narrative Bodies (2003), Five Strands of Fictionality (2010), and Writing at the Limit (2012). His current research focuses on how literary writing has shaped the discourse of computing.

Howard Sklar, who has published articles in Poetics Today, Partial Answers, the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, and other venues, is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Modern Languages (English Philology Unit) at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His current research project, "Stories of the Intellectually Disabled: Exploring the Interface between Fictional Representation and (Auto)biography," examines ways that narratives—in fiction, film, autobiography, graphic novels, and interviews—represent the intellectually disabled. He can be reached at [End Page 152]


