In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Errata

The authors of "Live Electronics in Luciano Berio's Music" [CMJ 27(2)] wish to dedicate their article to Luciano Berio, who unexpectedly passed away 27 May 2003, around the time that that issue was being printed. (Their article was originally submitted to the Journal in the fall of 2002.)

The article "Estimation of Parameters in Rule Systems for Expressive Rendering of Musical Performance" [CMJ 27(1)] contained incorrect equations, to be replaced as follows.

Equation 2 (page 31):

Definition of p (page 32):

Definition of (page 33):

Definition of R (page 33):

Definition of k??? (page 34):

Definition of rL and rT (page 36):


