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CORRIGENDA AND ADDENDA TO DIELS' GALÉNICA BY RICHARD J. DURLING: III. MANUSCRIPTS AND EDITIONS Bv STEFANIA FORTUNA and ANNAMARIA RAIA Introduction Richard Jasper Durling (1932-1999) made many important contributions to the study of the Latin tradition and critical edition of the works of Galen (AD 129-216), the Greek physician who was a notable figure in the history of medicine from late antiquity to the eighteenth century. Durling's work in this area first gained official recognition in 1959 when he submitted, for the University of London Diploma in Librarianship, a thesis in three volumes entitled A Bibliography of Sixteenth Century Editions of Galen (available for consultation at the Wellcome Library in London). In 1961, in the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, he published a masterly condensation of his thesis in an article ("A Chronological Census of Renaissance Editions and Translations of Galen") in which he described 660 editions, published between 1473 and 1599, from approximately one hundred European and American libraries; the list was prefaced by a stimulating introduction on the entire Galenic tradition and also included useful indexes of works translated, translators, and printers. This article has become a standard reference work of unquestionable authority. Vivian Nutton wrote that it "marked both an end and a beginning. Although minor additions and corrections can still be made, Durling's catalogue settled effectively once and for all a disputed question: how was Galen made available to the reader in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? Not only did it lay down new standards for the bibliography of an ancient author in the Renaissance, but for the first time it allowed the medical historian to build on firm foundations."1 Durling was later invited by Paul Oskar Kristeller to compile a full account of medieval and Renaissance Latin translations of Galen for the del sapere medico: Atti del convegno internazionale in memoria di M.D. Grmek (Roma, 30 Maggio-1 Giugno 2002), Mediana nei Secoli 14 (2002): 461-78, at 461. The introduction was written by Stefania Fortuna (Université Politécnica delle Marche, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia). Otherwise the present article is the result of a collaboration between her and Annamaria Raia (Regione Marche, Servizio Técnico alla Cultura). Both authors wish to thank Virginia Brown, Vivian Nutton, Maria Patti, and John Symons for their help and suggestions. ? TRADITIO Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Previously, the same task had been undertaken by Ludwig Joseph; the material collected by Joseph was handed over to Durling when the former died.2 From 1963 to 1968, Durling was employed at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, where he collected and explored microfilms from European libraries of nearly 600 Latin manuscripts of Galen. This research resulted in two articles in Traditio, both entitled "Addenda and Corrigenda to Diels' Galénica." Although the catalogue of Hermann Diels has long been recognized as the essential starting point for the Greek and Latin manuscript tradition of Galen, it was also known to contain large lacunae, especially with respect to the Latin manuscripts.3 Durling's first article in Traditio, published in 1967, is based on 113 Latin manuscripts in the Vatican Library and provides large numbers of new manuscripts as well as corrections in the matter of contents, dates, and folio numbers of the manuscripts cited by Diels; above all it distinguishes between different translations of the same work of Galen. The second article, published in 1981, makes similar contributions and signals new Latin manuscripts of Galen not listed by Diels or by Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre in their monumental catalogue.4 Durling also worked on specific Latin translations of Galen. He published the critical editions of two translations by Burgundio of Pisa (d. 1193) in the Galenus Latinus series: De complexionibus in 1972 and De interioribus in 1992. Moreover, he wrote a masterly study of the English physician Thomas Linacre (1460-1524), who translated many works of Galen, including the De sanitate tuenda and the Methodus medendi. This article appeared in the volume on Linacre published in 1977 and edited by Francis Maddison, Margaret Pelling, and Charles Webster. Nor did Durling neglect the Greek Galen. In 1993 he published A...

