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Articles Noted American Jewish Life' Articles Noted 207 Vinokurov, A., D. Binnan, and E. Trickett. "Psychological and Acculturation Correlates ofWork Status among Soviet Jewish Refugees in the United States." InternationalMigration Review, Vol. 34, No.2 (Summer 2000), pp. 538-559. Ancient World and Archaeology Arav, R. and M. Bernett. "The Bit-Hilani at Bethsaida: Its Place in Aramaean/Neo-Hittite and Israelite Palace Architecture in the Iron Age II." Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 50, No. 1-2 (2000), pp. 47-81. Kunz, A. "The Idea of Procreation and Pregnancy in Ancient Israel." Zeitschrift fUr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschafi, Vol. III, No.4 (1999), pp. 561-582. [Gennan] Mimouni, S. C. "The Emergence ofthe Movement ofthe Disciples ofJesus in the Judaism ofthe First and Second Centuries: Introductory Remarks." Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Vol. 35, No.3 (1999), pp. 457-471. [French] Na'aman, N. "Three Notes on the Aramaic Inscription from Tel Dan." Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 50., No. 1-2 (2000), pp. 92-104. Tappy, R. E. "Lineage and Law in Pre-exilic Israel." Revue Biblique, Vol. 107, No.2 (April 2000), pp. 175-204. Art, Music, and Film Rallo Gruss, C. and J. C. Ruiz Souza. "The Palace ofRuy Lopez Davalos and its Unpublished Sketches in the EI Transito Synagogue: A Study of its Carved Stuccos in the Artistic Context of 1361 (Toledo)." Al-Qantara, Vol. 20, No.2 (1999), pp. 275-297. [Spanish] Biblical and Rabbinic Literature Auffret, P. "From the Works of My Hands to the Meditations of My Heart: A Structural Study ofPsalm 14." ZeitschriftfUrdieAlttestamentliche Wissenschafi, Vol. 112, No. I (2000), pp. 24-42. Barbiero, G. "Exodus 33:7-11: A Synchronic Reading." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No.2 (2000), pp. 152-166. [Gennan] Berger, B. L. "Picturing the Prophet: Focalization in the Book of Jonah." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Vol. 29, No. I (2000), pp. 55-68. Cannichael, C. "The Origin ofthe Scapegoat Ritual." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No.2 (2000), pp. 167-182. Emerton, 1. A. "The Problem of Psalm 87." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No.2 (2000), pp. 183-199. 208 SHOFAR Winter 2001 Vol. 19, No.2 Gosse, B. "Three Redactional Stages ofthe Book ofJeremiah: Prophecies ofDivine Malevolence and Disaster Against Jerusalem, Judah and the 'Nations' as Well as Expressions of Salvation." Zeitschriftfiir die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. III, No.4 (1999), pp. 508-529. [French] Harris, S. L. "Proverbs 1:8-19,20-33 as 'Introduction'." Revue Biblique, Vol. 107, No.2 (April 2000), pp. 205-231. Hirshman, M. "Rabbinic Universalism in the Second and Third Centuries." Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 93, No.2 (April 2000), pp. 101-115. Jericke, D. "The List ofthe Nahorids in Genesis 22:20-24: A Critical Analysis ofa Priestly and 'Prophetic' Redaction-An Extension of the Geographical Horizon of the So-called Abraham Stories from the Book of Genesis." Zeitschrift fiir die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. III, No.4 (1999), pp. 481-497. [German] Kessler, R. "Between Temple and Torah: The Book of Micah in the Discourse of the Persian Exile Narrative." Biblische Zeitschrift, Vol. 44, No. I (2000), pp. 21-36. [German] Savran, G. '''How Can We Sing a Song of the Lord?': The Strategy of Lament in Psalm 137." Zeitschriftfiir die Alttestament/iche Wissenschaft, Vol. 112, No. I (2000), pp. 43-58. Shepherd, D. "Wil\ the Real Targum Please Stand Up? Translation and Coordination in the Ancient Aramaic Versions ofJob." Journal ofJewish Studies, Vol. 51, No. I (Spring 2000), pp.88-116. Teugels, L. '"Aggadat Bereshit' and the Triennial Lectionary Cycle." Journal ofJewish Studies, Vol. 51, No. I (Spring 2000), pp. 117-132. Weisman, Z. "Elements of Political Satire in Koheleth 4:13-16 and Koheleth 9:13-16." Zeitschriftfiir die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. III, No.4 (1999), pp. 547-560. Zlotnick-Sivan, H. "The Silent Women of Yehud: Notes on Ezra 9-10." Journal ofJewish Studies, Vol. 51, No. I (Spring 2000), pp. 3-18. Education and Teaching Francis, L. 1., Y. 1. Katz, and S. H. Jones. "The Reliability and Validity of the Hebrew Version ofthe Computer Attitude Scale." Computers & Education, Vol. 35, No.2 (September 2000), pp. 149-159. Gibton, D., N. Sabar, and E. B. Goldring. "How Principals of...

