In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

208 American Jewish Life SHOFAR Fall2000 Vol. 19, No. I Articles Noted Caplan, K. "The Life and Sermons of Rabbi Israel Herbert Levinthal, 1888-1982." American Jewish History, Vol. 87, No. I (March 1999), pp. 1-27. Hartman, H. and M. Hartman. "Denominational Differences in the Attachment to Israel of American Jews." Review ofReligious Research, Vol. 41, No.3 (March 2000), pp. 394-417. Ancient World and Archaeology Cotton, H. M. "Papyrus Documents from the Judaean Desert and Their Contribution to Research on First and Second Century A.D. Judaic History." Zeitschrift des Deutschen PaliistinaVereins , Vol. 115, No.2 (1999), pp. 228-247. [German] Reich, R. and E. Shukron. "The System of Rock-cut Tunnels near Gihon in Jerusalem Reconsidered." Revue Biblique, Vol. 107, No. I (January 2000), pp. 5-17. Art, Music, and Film Cohen, 1. R. "Music and Re-creation of Identity in Imagined Iberian Jewish Communities." Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares, Vol. 54, No.2 (1999), pp. 125-144. Schlumpf, H. U. "True Stories and 'Storymaking': The Example ofthe BBC Film 'Nazigold und Judengeld'." Schweizerisches Archivfiir Volkskunde, Vol. 95, No.2 (1999), pp. 225-237. [German] Sposato, J. S. "Mendelssohn, 'Paulus,' and the Jews: A Response to Leon Botstein and Michael Steinberg." Musical Quarterly, Vol. 83, No.2 (Summer 1999), pp. 280-291. Biblical and Rabbinic Literature Aslanov, C. "The Judeo-Greek and Ladino Columns in the Constantinople Edition of the 'Pentateuch' (1547): A Linguistic Commentaryon Genesis I: 1-5."Revuedes EtudesJuives, Vol. 158, No. 3--4 (July-December 1999), pp. 385-397. Dietrich, W. "Limits ofDivine PowerAccording to the Old Testament." Zeitschriftfiir Theologie und Kirche, Vol. 96, No.4 (December 1999), pp. 439--457. Dozeman, T. B. "Masking Moses and Mosaic Authority in Torah."Journal ofBiblicalLiterature, Vol. 119, No. I (Spring 2000), pp. 21--45. Fitzmyer,1. A. "Melchizedek in the Masorah, Septuagint, and the New Testament." Biblica, Vol. 81, No. I (2000), pp. 63-69. Friedheim, E. "An Essenian Conception of Halakha According to Josephus and the Enigmatic Silence of Rabbinic Literature Regarding Talmudic Law." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Vol. 28, No.4 (1999), pp. 465--488. [French] Garcia Martinez, F. "Qurnranic Text Traditions on the Characterization of the Priest/King Melchizedek as Eschatological Prophet, Messenger and Messiah in II Qmelch(13)." Biblica, Vol. 81, No. I (2000), pp. 70-80. [Spanish] Articles Noted 209 Greisch, J. "Paul Ricoeur's 'Penser la Bible': Philosophical Hermeneutics from the School of Biblical Exegesis-Complementarity and Tension in Old Testament Readings." Revue Biblique, Vol. 107, No. I (January 2000), pp. 81-104. [French] Haberman, B. D. "The Suspected Adulteress: A Study ofTextual Embodiment." Prooftexts-A Journal ofJewish Literary History, Vol. 20, No. 1-2 (Winter-Spring 2000), pp. 12--42. Knafo, A. and T. Glick. "Genesis Dreams: Using a Private, Psychological Event as a Cultural, Political Declaration." Dreaming: Journal ofthe Associationfor the Study ofDreams, Vol. 10, No.1 (March 2000), pp. 19-30. Martin Contreras, E. "Masoretic Terminology in the Rabbinic Exegesis of 'Genesis Rabba': Sections 'Bere'sit' and 'Noah'." Sefarad, Vol. 59, No.2 (1999), pp. 343-352. McNamara, M. "Melchizedek: Genesis 14:17-20 in the Targums, in Rabbinic and Early Christian Literature." Biblica, Vol. 81, No. 1(2000), pp. 1-31. Moloney, F. J. "The 'Fourth Gospel' and the Jesus ofHistory." New Testament Studies, Vol. 46, No. I (January 2000), pp. 42-58. Ortega Monasterio, M. T. "Some 'hiI'lufim': Ben-Asher/Ben-Naftali (BAIBN) in the Manuscript 'MI '." Sefarad, Vol. 59, No.2 (1999), pp. 371-390. Rosel, M. "Israelite 'Psalms' in Egypt? 'Papyrus Amherst 63,' Psalm 20 and Psalm 75." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No. I (2000), pp. 81-99. [German] Rudman, D. "Is the Rabshakeh Also among the Prophets? A Rhetorical Study of 2 Kings 18:17-35." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No. I (2000), pp. 100-110. Smend, R. "Fifty Years: International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament and 'Vetus Testamentum'." Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No. I (2000), pp. 1-13. [German] Smend, R. "Fifty Years: International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament and 'Vetus Testamentum'." Translated from the German original by David E. Orton. Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 50, No. I (2000), pp. 14-26...

