In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index to Volume 11 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 11 197 Bar-Josef, Hamutal. A Humorous View of jewish and Arab Life in Palestine: Ya'akov Hurgin's Stories; Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 38-49. Ben Zvi, Ehud. Review of Computer Software: Warsaw 1939 (Focus on Teaching). Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 89-95. Beres, louis Rene. Genocide: Politics and Psychology, A Review Essay. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 102-105. Cohen, Burton I. AnApplication ofSchwab's Educational Commonplaces: Examining One Aspect of the Milieu Commonplace as Reflected in a Synagogue in a Florida Retirement Community. Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 70-79. De Jong, Pieter. Miskotte's Timely Perspective of the Religious Dimension oj the Nazi Ideology. Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 20-40. Delany, Sheila. "Ibis Borrowed Language": Body Politic in judges 19. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 97-109. Dolev, Diana and Haim Gordon. Ibe Architectural Challenge of a jewish Studies House at the Hebrew University: A Lost Opportunity. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 1-11. Edelman, Martin. Ibe Utility of a Written Constitution: Free Exercise of Religion in Israel and the United States. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No. 4), pp. 35-56. Friedland, Eric 1. Sephardic Influences on the American Jewish Liturgy. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 12-21. Garda-Treto, Francisco. A Mother's Paean, A Warrior's Dirge: Reflections on the Use ofPoetic Inclusions in the Books ofSamuel. WinterJ993 \ (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 51-64. GitHtz, David. Divided Families in Converso Spain. Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 1-19. Goffman, Daniel. Ibe Quincentennial of 1492 and Ottoman-jewish Studies: A Review Essay. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No.4), pp. 57-67. Goldman, Stanley. Rediscovering the Hebrew Bible as Literature (Editor'S Introduction). Winter 1993 (Vol. Ii, No.2), pp. 1-15. Gordon, Haim and Diana Dolev. Ibe Architectural Challenge of a jewish Studies House at the Hebrew University: A Lost Opportunity. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 1-11. 198 SHOFAR Summer 1993 Vol. 11, No.4 Haboucha, Reginetta. Brides and Grooms: A Judeo-Spanish Version of Well-Known Literary Parallels. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No.4), pp. 1-17. Heller,Janet Ruth. "Regrets." "Amnon." "Miriam and Zipporah." (poetry). Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. SO, 80, 110. Horn, Bernard. Prologue at Sinai. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 81-96. Katz, Yossi. The Political Status ofJerusalem in Historical Context: Zionist Plans for the Partition ofJerusalem in the Years 1937-1938. Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 41-53. Kearney, Gerald David. Jews Under Japanese Domination, 1939-1945. Spring 1993 (Vol. 11, No.3), pp. 54-69. Kornberg, Jacques. On Teaching the Holocaust as History. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 70-79. Kraut, Benny. On Orthodoxy and Other Matters: A Review Essay. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No.4), pp. 68-75. Levine, Michael. Can There Be a Jewish Pantheism? A Review Essay. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No.4), pp. 83-92. Medoff, Rafael. Writing, andRewriting, AmericanJewish History: A Review Essay. Summer 1993 (Vol. 11, No.4), pp. 93-112. Milazzo, G. Tom. To an Impotent God: Images of Divine Impotence in Hebrew Scripture. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 30-49. Miscall, Peter. 2 Samuel 24: A Meditation on Wrath, Guilt, and the King. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 65-79. Molen, Steven. The Identity of Jacob's Opponent: Wrestling with Ambiguity in Gen. 32:22-32. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 16-29. Morahg, Gilead. From Madness On to Sanity: A. B. Yehoshua's Shifting Perspective on the Diaspora. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 50-60. Nohrnberg, James c. Allegories ofScripture. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No.2), pp. 127-167. Rosenberg, Samuel N. The Medieval Hebrew-French Wedding Song. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1 ), pp. 22-37. Sasson, Jack. Afterthoughts on Writing a Bible Commentary. Fall 1992 (Vol. 11, No.1), pp. 61-69. Schneidau, Herbert. The Interilluminating Bible. Winter 1993 (Vol. 11, No. 2), pp. 112-126. Stargardt, Ute. "Wissen Macht Frei "; "Wollen Macht Frei "; "Arbeit Macht Frei": Teaching...

