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Arethusa 36.3 (2003) 399-401

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Contents Volume 36

Number 1

The Wrath of Hesiod:                     ANDRÉ P. M. H. LARDINOIS                     1
Angry Homeric Speeches and the
Structure of Hesiod's Works and Days

Metrodorus of Lampsacus and the Problem of                     DAVID J. CALIFF                     21
Allegory: An Extreme Case?

Narrative Technique in Theocritus's Idyll 12                     MARK PAYNE                     37

Heavy Petting in Catullus                     ARTHUR J. POMEROY                     49

Priapus's Two Rapes in Ovid's Fasti                    THOMAS D. FRAZEL                      61

BOOKS RECEIVED                     99

Contents for Volume 35                     103

Number 2
Re-Imagining Pliny the Younger

Guest Editors: Ruth Morello and Roy K. Gibson

Introduction                     RUTH MORELLO AND ROY K. GIBSON                      109

Portrait of the Artist as a Figure of Style:                     JOHN HENDERSON                      115
P.L.I.N.Y's Letters [End Page 399]

"Insincerity," "Facts," and "Epistolarity":                     ANNA DE PRETIS                      127
Approaches to Pliny's Epistles to Calpurnia

Otium as Luxuria: Economy of                     ELEANOR WINSOR LEACH                      147
Status in the Younger Pliny's Letters

Pliny in Space (and Time)                     ANDREW M. RIGGSBY                     167

Pliny and the Art of Saying Nothing                     RUTH MORELLO                     187

"Aliud est enim epistulam, aliudhistoriam . . .                     RHIANNON ASH                     211
scribere" (Epistles 6.16.22): Pliny the Historian?

Pliny and Gloria Dicendi                     ROLAND MAYER                     227

Pliny and the Art of (In)offensive Self-Praise                     ROY K. GIBSON                     235

Bibliography                     255

BOOKS RECEIVED                     263

Number 3
Center and Periphery in the Roman World

Guest Editors: Cindy Benton and Trevor Fear

Introduction:                     CINDY BENTON AND TREVOR FEAR                     267
From Rome to Buffalo

Bringing the Other to Center Stage:                     CINDY BENTON                     271
Seneca's Medea and the Anxieties
of Imperialism

Searching for Paradise:                     RHIANNON EVANS                     285
Landscape, Utopia, and Rome

Grasping the Pangolin:                     DAVID FREDRICK                     309
Sensuous Ambiguity in Roman Dining [End Page 400]

Centering from the Periphery in the                     JUDITH P. HALLETT                     345
Augustan Roman World: Ovid's
Autobiography in Tristia 4.10 and
Cornelius Nepos's Biography of Atticus

Center and Periphery in Tacitus's Histories                     ARTHUR J. POMEROY                     361

Rome in the Greek Novel? Images and                     SAUNDRA SCHWARTZ                     375
Ideas of Empire in Chariton's Persia

Books Received                     395


