In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Ecological Restoration 29(3) Errata

1. In the Restoration Note entitled “Tipped Over Duck Nest Box Traps Turtles in a Restored Wetland (Ohio)” (pp. 211–212) the image in Figure 2 should be paired with the Figure 1 (above) caption. The image in Figure 1 (above) should be paired with the Figure 2 caption.

2. In the article entitled, “Converting Riparian Restoration Waste to Energy: Testing Tamarisk (Tamariz spp.) Woody Biomass as Fuel for Downdraft Gasification,” the 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence on p. 271 should read, “In June 2010, in response to concerns that the biological control of tamarisk could negatively impact the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher (Empodinax trailii extimus), which has been observe nesting in tamarisk, sometimes preferentially, the USDA issued a moratorium . . .” [End Page 2]


