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  • Notes on Contributors

Jan Bardsley is an associate professor of Japanese humanities and chair of the Department of Asian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is coeditor of the recent Manners and Mischief: Gender, Power and Etiquette in Japan (California, 2011).

Michael K. Bourdaghs is an associate professor of East Asian languages and civilizations at the University of Chicago. He is author of The Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Japanese Literary Studies: Politics, Language, Textuality (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 2010).

Thomas W. Burkman is a research professor emeritus at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. He is author of Japan and the League of Nations: Empire and World Order, 1914–1938 (Hawai‘i, 2008) and is doing research on war memory and reconciliation in East Asia.

Richard F. Calichman is a professor of Japanese studies at the City College of New York. He is coeditor of The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai (Routledge, 2010), and his current research is on contemporary Japanese thought and on Abe Kōbō.

Mark E. Caprio is a professor at Rikkyo University. He is author of Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea, 1910–1945 (Washington, 2009) and is currently working on a modern Japanese-Korean history.

John Clammer is a professor at the United Nations University. He is author of “Cultural Citizenship in East Asia: Thinking Through the Sociology of Identity in a Globalizing Context,” in Asian Culture in Globalization (UNESCO, 2008). His latest research is on contemporary Japanese art and its connections to popular culture.

Peter Duus is the William H. Bonsall Professor of History Emeritus at Stanford University. He is author of The Abacus and the Sword (California, 1995) and coauthor of The Rediscovery of America: Japanese Views of the American Century (California, 2011).

William J. Farge, S.J., is an associate professor in and chair of the Department of Languages and Cultures and director of Asian Studies at Loyola [End Page i] University New Orleans. He is author of The Japanese Translations of the Jesuit Mission Press (Edwin Mellen, 2003) and is doing research on Christian dissent in early modern Japan.

Gerald Figal is an associate professor in history and Japanese cultural studies at Vanderbilt University. He has recently published “Monstrous Media and Delusional Consumption in Kon Satoshi’s Paranoia Agent,Mechademia (2010), and his latest research is on supernatural circuits and consumer fantasies in contemporary Japan.

Petrice R. Flowers is an associate professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She is author of Refugees, Women, and Weapons: International Norm Adoption and Compliance in Japan (Stanford, 2009) and “Crossing Borders: Transnationalism, Civil Society, and Post-9/11 Refugee Policy in Japan,” in Leheny and Warren, eds., Japanese Aid and the Construction of Global Development (Routledge, 2010).

Daniel H. Foote is a professor of law at the University of Tokyo. He is author of “The Supreme Court and the Push for Transparency in Lower Court Appointments in Japan,” Washington University Law Review (2011), and coauthor of Hābādo: Takuetsu no himitsu—Hābādo LS no eichi ni manabu (Yūhikaku, 2010). His current research is on justice system reform and on criminal justice reform in historical perspective.

Alisa Gaunder is an associate professor of political science at Southwestern University. She is editor of The Routledge Handbook of Japanese Politics (2011) and author of Political Reform in Japan: Leadership Looming Large (Routledge, 2007). Her current research focuses on comparative political leadership and women and politics in Japan.

Timothy S. George is a professor in the Department of History at the University of Rhode Island. His most recent publications include “Minamata as a Window on Modern Japan,” Education about Asia (2010). He is currently doing research on machizukuri in postwar Japan and on the environmental history of the hamlet of Tokyo.

Kimie Hara is the Renison Research Professor in East Asian Studies at the University of Waterloo. She is author of Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System (Routledge, 2007), and her current research project is titled “After San Francisco: Postwar Japanese Peace Treaty and Regional Conflicts in...
