In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Forthcoming Articles

On Fish: Natural History as Spiritual materia medica: Calvinist Pastoralism in Pierre Viret’s Instruction Chrestienne (1564) Raphaele Garrod

Philosophy according to Tacitus: Francis Bacon and the Inquiry into the Limits of Human Self-Delusion Guido Giglioni

Idolatry, Natural History, and Spiritual Medicine: Fr ancis Bacon and the Neo-Stoic Protestantism of the late Sixteenth Century Dana Jalobeanu

Francis Bacon, Natural philosophy, and the Cultivation of the Mind Peter Harrison

Natural Histories of Religion: A (Baconian) ‘Science’? James A. T. Lancaster

Idols of the Imagination: Francis Bacon on the Imagination and the Medicine of the Mind Koen Vermeir and Sorana Corneanu [End Page C3]


