In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The River Took Me, and: Mary Byrne
  • Michael O'Dea (bio)

The River Took Me

Once, in a sodden flaggered fieldbeside the river,the current took me;not a canoe but a trout,a water's flint smoothed by its flow,a ripple's almond.

All sleekness and fluidity,all instinct;a lidless eye running,seeing and discarding,gorged on movement,passing all argument. [End Page 156]

Mary Byrne

Old Mary Byrne posed for the cameraholding a photographof herself taken years ago.

Two faces:the first a plateembellished for display;

the seconda pattern of neolithic swirlsengraved into stone

—a life carved into its face—two dangling earrings:two broken chains. [End Page 157]

Michael O'Dea

Michael O'Dea lives in Dublin. His collections of poetry are Sunfire (Dedalus P), Turn Your Head (Dedalus P), and Felos ainda serra (Amastra-N-Galar).


