Bitches on the Bright Side
- Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
- Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
- Volume 48, Number 2, 1994
- p. 161
- 10.1353/rmr.1994.a459566
- Article
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Bitches on the Bright Side Say what you will, there's something to be said For desperate calls unanswered, meals alone, Keeping corners, and lying late in bed. For bodies over-full but seldom nourished, For cold and rain that's carried in the bone. Say what you will, there's something to be said For useless women raging for more red, Loud visions urging them to quell the sun By keeping corners, lying late in bed. By rising slow and learning from the dead To feign indifference to light and motion Let dawn flirt as she will. And something said For intimate messages baked into bread Meant for birds that have already flown, Impatient grown of lying late in bed. And something more for love that won't be had, And comfort that's despised until it's gone. Though bitch we will, the half has not been said For keeping corners, lying late in bed. Constance Merritt 161 ...