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Callaloo 26.3 (2003) 565-576

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Kamau Brathwaite

The water of the mirror in the room is dark green. Quiet

as translucence in the light of a limestone cave nr the ocean. and it
had been pasted on/to the wall like a map. the shape of a ilann
one of those lopp
slidèd half-square Caribbean-shape islands like Trinidad or central

Virgin Gorda

bicycles of clock bangg from the sky of the ceiling & there was
a large black snortless hunchback motorbike yu wd hardly notice
like some large stuff animal or dead watchdog in the coroner
It was the plumber's shop or place of business & his tools -

compressor. steel rods. borer. corkscrew. plunger. pit-block. bolt-
snake. witch-hazel-ariel -
was grey spinache-colour fossils or dead aborted insects

of all shapes & snizes
lying like asleep in boxes. on dirty botched-up butchered tables
even uncrawling on the floor
[End Page 565]

The plumber himself is like a pearson walking in dead

grass that was dried grease
stale stain stencils of yesterdays black spaces printing their patterns
on his now almost invisible garment of cloth skin leather flesh of old
newspaper(s). and his large bright hands were like smooth blind
eyes which he held out before

him like a hearing aid that he use as a searchlight into the pits
& pus & refuse & the soft black starch of latrines. the
black slag
of the ten thousand hours of how she use to sit
w/ her eyes strainingclose(d) in the darkness of her priv-

vvvy which was now as pubic as the multi. cultural flags of sheets
& trousers & coloured
shirts left hanging from their wrists on the bleach clotheslines yvvv
[End Page 566]

of the ungovern-
mental yard that told the blue curled flapping morning world
that the goodwife was at home. cooking w/ clean wipe hands

minutes of soapsuds ticking up to her elbows sometimes. flogging
them off onto the squared crook. ed floorboards peelin off
the flowery fields of linoleum & sticky to her bare feet & so

slightly musty after the mop. looking down at her feet far below
the blue apron w/out suc. cess. soiled fence against dishwater & evil
droppings of surcease. not even against the tell tale trail

of the mice . saying aloud

since there was on one to hear or inferr that the water runnin too
ly today in the grey day now grasping for breath in the kit. Chen
leaning over the sink
& straightening up so she wd not sink down the steep gulch
of the mem-
ories of more roaches then she cd ever have handle. the brass

tourniquet of water that turn
them off. overflowing like ants really. tick-
in like a large ugly wristwatch of death under her very window. un-
der the concrete slab that covered her privacy
now the business not now of the plumber. her husband. but this sly
false schloostle keymaker who had enter her life thru a gimlet
as it
[End Page 567]

were. when all the locks shd have been shut like her eyes against in-
vasion. but she had seen him pee. pin in at her w/ his two long thin
antennae searchlight eyes thru the blind open eyes of her window-
curtains that she shd have been washin for Easter
but hadnt because of the ru. mour of earthquake. the heat so early
in the year already like a tumour she cd feel. sometimes see
like a soft grey mist behind her sight. on the righthand side

of the road she walked from the supermarket to the blank in her face
forcing her eyes to see thru their pane
as he. squint. in at her thru her window. was seeing her now
as if for the first time. which
he was. which
he was. thru the thousand silences of the dresses she had nvr
been able to buy. to off. ord. to wear. to share

w/ the boys who wish so much to strip her of the village
she had nvr forgotten even tho she had come to town
so many footnights before on the...

