
Weisheng, literally "guarding life," serves as the Chinese translation for the English term "hygiene." Nevertheless, the respected author of a Chinese textbook on public health from 1934 stated in his preface: "Weisheng is about 'maintaining health' and not at all about 'guarding life.'" When read against the rise of weisheng in Ruth Rogaski's sense of "hygienic modernity" in China during the Republican period, this statement reveals a local and alternative conception of weisheng, linked more closely to traditional Chinese notions of "nurturing life" than to modern practices related to "germ warfare". Public health advocates, as well as many modern historians, saw little value in this popular discourse and mostly disregarded it. This paper takes this alternative discourse of weisheng seriously, tracing its emergence, articulating its specific features, and exploring its historical significance as an alternative to the notion of hygienic modernity. The central discovery of this article is that Chinese critiques of modern hygiene—personal hygiene, to be specific—did not focus on the actual techniques for preserving health but on their moral implications, i.e., their effects in the context of the dual construction of self-identity and moral community. Drawing on this discovery, this paper explains the curious reasons why political leaders of the Republican period devoted so much energy to the seemingly trivial practices of personal hygiene while leaving untouched the construction of a national system of public health. As the contestation over hygiene became closely connected with larger debates about individualism, nationalism, and modernity, critiques of, resistance to, and local visions of hygiene revealed the development of localized modernities in China, characterized by alternatives in hygiene, self-hood, bodily sensibility, and moral community.


衛生的道德社群 民國時期關於衛生的爭議與歷史意義 關鍵字:衛生、個人衛生、道德社群、習慣 民國時期存在一組和西方衛生的大相逕庭的衛生論述與實作, 但在當時中國公 共衛生的提倡者看來, 這組「衛生」論述不啻是對衛生這個西方概念的誤解、濫用、甚至綁架, 徒然延誤了公共衛生此一新事業在中國的開展, 因而沒有任 何正面的價值與歷史重要性。本文企圖正視這個歷史現象, 初步勾勒這組衛生論述的具體內容, 描繪它和西方衛生間的爭議、批評與互相界定的過程, 並探 索它出現於二十世紀上半葉之中國的歷史過程和可能的意義。

本文的一個主要發現, 就是當時對於西方衛生的批評的重點並不在於它是 否提供了有效的保健工具, 而更在於它所蘊含的倫理關係。經由現代個人衛 生所型塑的身體習慣, 人們開始不由自主地體現出新的倫理價值、自我認 同、與社會關係。各種中式衛生與批評的論旨, 就在於使得人們在逐漸擁抱 衛生現代性的同時, 仍能保有並發展他們所珍惜的、不同於西方主流的自我 認同與道德的社群。由這個洞察出發, 本文也將解釋何以民國時期的政治領 袖, 一方面常對國家急需的公共衛生存而不論, 另一方面又極其關注近乎瑣碎 的個人衛生習慣。由於關於衛生的爭議緊密地扣連著當時關於個人主義、民 族主義與家庭改造等重大價值爭議, 衛生史與身體史為橫掃傳統社會的政治、文化變遷, 留下了最深沈、具體、而切身的軌跡, 等待學者這樣地去探索。

