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REFERENCE WORKS IN PROGRESS Rl Reference Works in Progress publishes selections from any type -of reference work currently in compilation. The goal of this section is to use thejournal to make on-going projects more widely known and, along the way, assist the compilers by providing sample materials to the expert public for observation and commentary. Samples are solicited from any linguistically-relevant reference work in progress — general purpose or specialized monolingual or multilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias, visual dictionaries, thesauri, linguistic or linguistically-related atlases, pronunciation guides, on-line materials , style guides, quotation dictionaries, even word lists, field notes, and single complex entries. In this issue we have Garland Cannon and Wyoma vanDuinkerken 's Arabic Lexical Contributions to the English Language. This is a thorough survey of words from Arabic and reflects years of painstaking compilation on their part. We are happy to put this important material into print in Dictionaries. Proposals and suggestions for reference-work excerpts for future issues are encouraged and should be sent to the editor. Copyright for these materials may be retained by the author(s). — WF ...

