
Participatory technology assessment often holds sessions for experts to inform laypersons about scientific controversies. However, few studies examine how these laypersons perceive experts and make policy recommendations. The purpose of this study was to examine interactions between experts and laypersons in two consensus conferences in Taiwan to find illuminating illustrations. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to understand the cases. We found that in each of the two consensus conferences, on average the level of laypersons' science literacy in terms of content was improved and their attitudes toward scientific controversies changed. Expert lectures were perceived as the most important element in influencing participants' knowledge learning and attitude changes. However, in exchanging views with experts, laypersons could not only identify biases, normative positions, and personal preferences in experts' seemingly objective talks, but could also raise reflective, worthy viewpoints that were not articulated by the experts. Implications of the findings to research and practices of participatory technology assessment were discussed.


科技相關的公共政策,經常落入科技專家或利益團體的獨斷 控制,不利於民眾參與,明顯違背民主政治的基本理念丹麥型的公民共識 會議,以審議民主為本,針對有重大爭議的科技政策,提供專家和一般民眾 較民主、較平等的對話機制,以聽取民眾於知情理性公開討論下,所形成的 共識意見本研究以2004年於台灣舉辦的代理孕母公民共識會議和產前篩檢 與檢測公民共識會議為例,深入分析一般民眾和專家之間的互動,民眾科技 知能和態度的變化,特別是專家歧見下,民眾如何看待這些意見並形成他們 的看法本研究關注專家和一般民眾之間的溝通權力和地位的不對等本研 究發現,民眾與專家對話後,不但能分辨專家的歧見和偏見,亦能提出超越 專家盲點的見解過程中,民眾對科技的理解,有明顯的轉變,民眾認為這 些轉變受專家演講影響最大,而民眾的團體討論也有相當的影響力此外,專家對科學的理解也需要並且也應該有機會被轉變,但事實如何,如何促 進,值得後續研究努力

