In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Notes on Contributors193 Notes on Contributors Morton Benson is Professor of Slavic Languages at the University of Pennsylvania. As a member of the Graduate Group in Linguistics, he also teaches a course in lexicography. The new editions of his SerboCroatian-English Dictionary and English-SerboCroatian Dictionary were published this year. He is co-author of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary ofEnglish, the BBI Workbook, and the Lexicographical Description ofEngtísh. The third edition of his Dictionary of Russian Personal Names is scheduled to appear in 1991. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Language International. At present, he is compiling a Russian-English dictionary of verbal collocations. Michael Can* is a visiting professor at Otaru University of Commerce inJapan. He was an Associate Editor of the NewJapanese-Engluh Character Dictionary , and his lexicographical research interests include the history of Chinese and Japanese dictionaries, lexical ghosts, logographic autonyms and exonyms, Oriental loanwords, and semantic fields in Chinese. E. W. Gilman joined Merriam-Webster in 1958 and worked on W3 and the 7th and 8th CoIIegiates. He was Managing Editor of Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and Editor of Webster's Dictionary ofEnglish Usage. He is currently teaching dictionary style, dictionary defining, and English grammar to new editors at Merriam (he says the last of these is the most challenging ), and is collecting materials for use in an improved version of the Usage volume. Ulrich Goebel is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages at Texas Tech University. He served as co-editor ofIndices Verborum zum altdeutschen Schrifttum (1975-83) and the two-volume set Historical Lexicography of the German Language. He also co-edits Studies in Russian and German. He is one of the founders and is currently co-editor of the 194Notes on Contributors multi-volume Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. He is engaged at present in the onomasiological processing of semasiological dictionaries. Elizabeth M. Knowles is a Senior Editor of the New Shorter OxfordEnglish Dictionary. She writes and revises text and has special responsibility for historical research for the project. Her early experience in library research as Editorial Assistant for the OED Supplement led to her appointment in 1983 to the New SOED. She is planning an account of the research work for that volume. Gwin J. KoIb Chester D. Tripp Professor Emeritus in Humanities at the University of Chicago, is the co-author (with James Sledd) of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary: Essays in the Biography of a Book (1955) and other publications on Johnson's life and works. His most recent volume is " 'Rasselas' and Other Tales" (1990), Vol. 16 of the Yale edition ofJohnson's works. He is currently preparing the philological pieces in the same series. Herbert Penzl completed his Ph.D. degree in Vienna, and as a graduate student at Brown University was an editorial assistant for the Linguistic Atlas project (1932-34). He has taught German linguistics at the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, and the University of California, Berkeley , finishing his distinguished teaching career there in 1983. He has served as special consultant to American College dictionaries, and was Director of the English-Pashto dictionary project (Michigan, 1962). His principal research interests and activities at present concern the history of English, particularly American English. Dennis Taylor is Professor of English at Boston College. He has published two books on Thomas Hardy and a number of lexicographical research articles, including "Hardy, Professor Goto, and the Oxford Englüh Dictionary," Thomas HardyJournal, 4 (May 1988). A work in progress, Hardy's Language and Victorian Philology, occupies him. A longer study of the relationship between literary writers and lexicographers awaits him. ...

