In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Annales de GUniversité de Paris. No. 4. October-December, 1947. (Quarterly). Sorbonne, Paris: 1947. Pp. 255-360. 200 fr. per year. Cavalli, Fiorello, S. J. O Processo do Arcebispo de Zagreb. Biblioteca Apologética. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 264. 20,/. Cotter, Marie. Westward by Command. Cork, Ireland: The Mercier Press Limited, 1947. Pp. 156 + Index. $2.50. De Marchi, John, I. M. C. The Crusade of Fatima. New York, N. Y.: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1947. Pp. 177. $1.25. Denholm-Young. Richard of Cornwall. New York, N. Y.: William Salloch, 1947. Pp. xvi + 175 + Index. $3.75. Diocesan Censures Latae Sententiae and Reserved Sins in the United States. Compiled at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Westminster , Md.: The Newman Bookshop, 1948. Pp. 38. 50c. Domini, Ancilla. Na lntimidade. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 181. 12,/. Doyle, Leonard. St. Benedict's Rule for Monasteries. Collegeville, Minn.: St. John's Abbey Press, 1948. Pp. viii + 92. $2.00. Etienne, O. M. I. Manual of Missionary Action. A translation by Roy L. Laberge. Ottawa, Ont.: University of Ottawa Press, 1948. Pp.748. Fabre, Lucien. Jeanne D'Arc. Paris, France: Editions Jules Tallandier , 1947. Pp. xvi + 554. fr. Ferm, Vergilius. Religion in the Twentieth Century. New York, N. Y.: The Philosophical Library, 1948. Pp. xix + 445 + Index. $5.00. Finn, Brendan A. Twenty-Four American Cardinals. Boston, Mass.: Bruce Humphries, Inc. Pp. 446 + Index. $5.00. Formaçào da Donzela. Jose Baeteman, C. M. Traduçâo autorizada, de Luis Leal Ferreira. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 416. 45,/. Foster, Frances A. Some English Words From the 'Fasciculus Morum'. Reprinted from Essays and Studies in Honor of Carleton Brown. New York, N. Y.: New York University Press, 1940. Pp. 149-157. Gummermann, Rev. Basil, O.F.M. Cap. Handbook of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis of Assisi. Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony's Guild Press, 1947. Pp. ? + 454. $4.50 plus postage. 223 224BOOKS RECEIVED Kane, Rev. John A. The School of the Cross. New York, N. Y.: The Decían X. McMullen Company, 1948. Pp. 144. $2.00. May, Rev. Eric E., O.F.M. Cap. Ecce Agnus Dei! The Catholic University of America, Studies in Sacred Theology (Second Series) No. 5. Washington, D. G: The Catholic University of America Press, 1947. Pp. xiv + 162 + Index. Messiaen, Pierre. Sentiment Chrétien et Poésie Française. Historie Philosophie Religion. Paris, France: Editions Marcel Daubin, 1947. Pp. 252. Moore, Dom Thomas Verner. The Driving Forces of Human Nature and Their Adjustment. New York, N. Y.: Grune & Stratton, 1948. Pp. viii + 456 + Index. $6.50. Odulfo, Frei, O.F.M. A Obra Pia da Terra Santa No Brasil (Apontamentos Históricos). Divinopolis, Brazil: Separata da revista "Santa Cruz", 1947. Pp. 174 + Index. Revista do Service do Patrimonio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. No. 8. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1944. Pp. 361. Ricciotti, Giuseppe. The Life of Christ. Translated by Alba I. Zizzamia. (Second Edition). Milwaukee, Wis.: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1947. Pp. xvi + 675 + Index. $7.50. Schumacher, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Congregational Prayers. Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1947. Pp. vii + 132. $1.00 plus postage. Shaw, S. M. Salt of the Earth. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Bookshop, 1948. Pp. viii + 237. $2.75. Sobre a Acáo Católica. Documentos Pontificios. Pió XI. 40. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 18. 1,/. Sobre a Acáo Católica. Documentos Pontificios. Pió XI. 42. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 30. 1, 5/. Sobre a Igreja Católica. Documentos Pontificios. 37. Lelo XIII. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda. Sobre a Imprensa. Documentos Pontificios. Leäo XHI. 41. Petropolis , R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 30. 1, 5/. Sobre a Necessidade e os Caracteres da Acáo Católica. Documentos Pontificios. 39. Pió XI. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 32. Cr. Sobre a Pregaçào da Palavra Divina. Documentos Pontificios. Bento XV. 45. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1947. Pp. 25. 2, 5/. Sobre as Missoes Católicas. Documentos Pontificios. Leäo XIII. 49. Petropolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda...

