In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Almqvist, Helge, Plutarch und das Neue Testament. Acta Seminarii Neotestamentici Upsaliensis Edenda Duravit a. Fridrichsen. XV. Uppsala, Sweden: Appelbergs Boktryckeri A.-B, 1946. Pp. 164. Augustinovic, P. Augustino, O.F.M, S.S., LIC Critica "Determinism*" Joanne*. Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum. Hierosolymis: Typis Pp. Franciscanorum, 1947. Pp. xiii, 249. Bibliografía Missionaria. Anno X: 1943-1946. Unione Missionaria del Clero in Italia. Compiled by P. Giovanni Rommerskirchen, O.M.I. and P. Giovanni Dindinger, O.M.I. Rome, Italy: Scuola Tipográfica "Don Luigi Guanella," 1947. Pp. 182. Billy, Rev. Method C, O.F.M.Conv. A Manual of Ceremonies for Major Ministers. Compiled and arranged according to the "Caeremonial Episcoporum ." Rensselaer, N. Y.: Conventual Franciscan Publications, 1946 (Second Edition). Pp. 37. Billy, Rev. Method C, O.F.M.Conv. A Manual of Ceremonies for Minor Ministers. Rensselaer, N. Y.: Conventual Franciscan Publications, 1946. Pp. 31. Billy, Rev. Method C, O.RMConv. Benediction and Departure Ceremonies for Missionaries of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual. Arranged according to the Roman-Seraphic Ritual, O.F.M.Conv. Rensselaer, N. Y.: Franciscan Missionary Crusade, 1947. Pp. 16. Billy, Rev. Method C, O.RM.Conv. Investiture of the Friars Minor Conventual according to the Roman-Seraphic Ritual, Ord. Fr. Min. Conv. Rensselaer, N. Y.: Conventual Franciscan Publications, 1947. Pp. 12. BlLLY, Rev. Method C, O.F.M.Conv. Profession of the Friars Minor Conventual according to the Roman-Seraphic Ritual, Ord. Fr. Min. Conv. Rensselaer, N. Y.: Conventual Franciscan Publications, 1947. Pp. 26. Billy, Rev. Method C, O.RM.Conv. The Master of Ceremonies. Rensselaer, N. Y.: Conventual Franciscan Publications, 1947. Pp. 17. Blum, Rev. Owen J, O.F.M. St. Peter Damián: His Teaching on the Spiritual Life. Washington, D. C: The Catholic University of America Press, 1947. Pp. viii, 219, Index. BOLTON, Mother. God's Hour in the Nursery. Activity Book and Guidance Book. Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony's Guild, 1947. Pp. 55. Pp. 91. Bronstein, Daniel J, Yervant H. Krikorian, and Philip P. Wiener. Basic Problems of Philosophy. New York, N. Y.: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1947. Pp. x, 748, Index. $5.65. Bücker, P. Freí Donato, O.F.M. Normas para o Governo de Fraternidades da Ordern Tercetra de S. Francisco de Assis. Petrópolis, R.J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1947. Pp. 116. Catálogo de Publicaçôes, 1945. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Imprensa Nacional, 1945. Pp.85. 516 BOOKS RECEIVED517 Celestino, Frei, O.F.M. Conferencias Para Religiosas. (Fourth Series). Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1947. Pp. 223. Cicognani, Most Reverend Amleto Giovanni. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in the United States. Addresses and Letters. Paterson , N. J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1947. Pp. vi, 88, Index. Coiteux, Rev. Ferdinand, O.F.M. L'Amour de Dieu. Montreal, Canada: Editions Caritas, 1944. Pp. 169. Coiteux, Rev. Ferdinand, O.F.M. L'Amour de Dieu dans l'Âme Séraphique. Montreal, Canada: Editions Pax et Bonum, 1945. Pp. 126. Coiteux, Rev. Ferdinand, O.F.M. La Sainteté d'après la paraphrase du "Pater" de S. Francois. Montreal, Canada: Editeurs Lib. S. Francois, 1944. Pp. 63. Coiteux, Rev. Ferdinand, O.F.M. Sacerdoce et Recrutment. Montreal, Canada : Editions: Pax et Bonum, 1946. Pp. 79. D'Hosche, P, SCJ. Kamango. Coleçâo Missionaria V. 14. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1946. Pp. 80. De Oliveira, Ramos. A llusâo Espirita. Biblioteca Apologética. Vol. 6. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1947. Pp. 108. Domini, Ancilla. A Familia Moráis Gomes. Volume III. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1947. Pp. 189. Domini, Ancilla. Quadros da Vida. Volume II. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda., 1946. Pp. 212. Ellis, John Tracy. A Select Bibliography of the History of the Catholic Church in the United States. New York, N. Y.: The Decían X. McMuIlen Co, 1947. Pp. 87, Index. Ensayos. No. 22. April-June, 1947. El Paso, Texas: St. Anthony's Seminary, 1947. Pp. 77-160. Exortaçâo ao Clero. Pió. X. Documentos Pontificios. 26. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora Vozes Ltda, 1947. Pp. 26. Ferreira, Francisco de Paula. As Técnicas de Pesquisa Social. Petrópolis, R. J.: Editora...

