In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Augustin, Saint, La Trinité (Livres I—VII) I. Le Mystère (Bibliothèque Augustinienne — Oeuvres de saint Augustin 15), Texte de l'édition bénédictine, traduction et notes par M. Mellet, O. P. et Th. Camelot, O.P., Introduction par E. Hendrikx, O. E. S. A., 613 pp.; Paris: Desclée-De Brouwer, 1955. Baer, Kurt, Painting and Sculpture at Mission Santa Barbara (Publications of the Academy of American Franciscan History, Monograph Series 3) XX—244 pp. ; Washington, D. C. : Academy of American Franciscan History, 1955; $5.00. Béraud de Saint-Maurice (Sr. Clotilde Angele de Jésus, Ursuline), John Duns Scotus, A Teacher for Our Times, translated by Columban Duffy, O. F. M., VIII—348 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1955; $3.50. Betti, Humbertus, O. F. M., Summa de Sacramentis "Totus Homo" (Spicilegium Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani 7), LXXXIII—199 pp.; Rome: Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum, 1955. Blied, Benjamin J., Three Archbishops of Milwaukee, Michael Heiss (1818—i8go), Frederick Katzer (1844—1903), Sebastian Messmer (1847—1930), 160 pp.; Milwaukee, Wis., 1955; $4.00. Breynat, Gabriel, Bishop of the Winds, Fifty Years in the Artie Regions, transi, from the French by Alan Gordon Smith, X—266 pp. ; New York: P. J. Kennedy and Sons, 1955; $3.75. Burleigh, Walter, De puritate artis logicae tractatus longior, With a Revised Edition of the Tractatus brevior, edit. Ph. Boehner, O. F. M. (Franciscan Institute Publications, Text Series 9), XVI—264 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y.: Franciscan Institute, 1955; $4.50. Coiteux, Ferdinand, O. F. M., Le Christ-Rédempteur d'après saint Antoine de Padoue (Mes Mardis à la radio, 8e série), 303 pp. ; Montreal: Editions Franciscaines, [1955]. Comber, Thomas E., C. S. P., The Knights of Columbus Advertising-theFaith Campaign. A Critical Analysis of Its Merit, Origin and Development , 38 pp.; Washington, D. C: St. Paul's College, 1955. Connell, Francis J., C. SS. R., Dogmatic and Scriptural Foundation for Catechists, Notes on Baltimore Catechism No. 3, IX—61 pp. ; Paterson, N. J. : Confraternity Publications, [1955] ; $ 0.50. 29*419 420FRANCISCAN STUDIES Cranny, Titus, S. A., Father Paul Apostle of Unity. A Biographical Study of the Unity Vocation of Father Paul James Francis, S. A. Founder of the Society of the Atonement and Originator of the Chair of Unity Octave, 94 pp.; Peekskill, N. Y.: Graymoor Press, [1955]. Cristiani, Chanoine, Luther tel qu'il fut. Textes choisis, traduits du latin et de l'allemand, et annotés (Textes pour l'Histoire Sacrée), 255 pp.; Paris: Librairie A. Fayard, [1955]. Cristiani, Chanoine, Calvin tel qu'il fut. Textes choises, traduits du latin et de l'allemand, et annotés (Textes pour l'Histoire Sacrée), 253 pp.; Paris: Librairie A. Fayard, [1955]. De Anasagasti, Pedro, O. F. M., El alma misionera de San Francisco de Asís (Pontificio Instituto Científico Misionero de propaganda Fide), 105 pp.; Rome, 1955. Dubalen, Marie Thérèse, The Worker Priests, 55 pp. ; New York: Student League for Industrial Democracy, [1955]. Dulles, Avery R., S. J., James M. Demske, S. J., Robert J. O'Connell, S. J., Introductory Metaphysics. A Course Combining Matter Treated in Ontology, Cosmology, and Natural Theology, IX—345 pp. ; New York: Sheed and Ward, 1955; $4.50. Dumeige, Gervais, Ives: EpUre à Séverin sur la charité, Richard de SaintVictor : Les quatre degrés de la violente charité, Texte critique avec Introduction, traduction et notes (Textes philosophiques de Moyen Age 3), 206 pp.; Paris: J. Vrin, 1955. Faccin, Dominic, O. F. M., Spiritual Exercises According to Saint Bonaventure , transi, by Owen Anthony Colligan, O. F. M. (Spirit and Life Series 9), XIV—367 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y.: Franciscan Institute , 1955; $3-85Fittkau , Gerhard, Der Begriff des Mysteriums bei Johannes Chrysostomus. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff des "Kultmysteriums" in der Lehre Odo Caséis (Theophaneia 9), 231 pp.; Bonn: P. Hanstein Verlag, 1953. Gerhohi Praepositi Reichersbergensis Opera inédita, I: Tractatus et libelli, cura et studio PP. Damiani ac Odulphi Van den Eynde et P. Angelini Rijmersdael, O. F. M., (Spicilegium Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani 8), XIX—379 pp.; Rome: Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum , 1955. Geiger, Maynard J., O. F. M., Patau's Life of Fray Junípero...

