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BOOKS RECEIVED Adams, Eleanor B., A Bio-bibliography of Franciscan Authors in Colonial Central America, XXI—97 pp. ; Washington, D. C. : Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953 ; $ 3.00. Blechman, R. 0., The Juggler of Our Lady. A Medieval Legend Adapted by —, (n. p.); New York: Henry Holt and Co., (1953); $2.50. Bonnefoy, Jean-François, O. F. M., Un essai récent sur L· plan divin de la création, 38 pp. ; Paris : Editions Franciscaines, 1953 ; (Off-print from Miscellanea Francescana vol. 52 (1952), fase. Ill—IV, pp. 425—460). Clarkson, Tom, Love is My Vocation. An Imaginative Story of St. Thér èse of Lisieux, X—213 pp.; New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, (1953) ; $ 3-00. Daniel-Rops, Saint Paul Apostle of Nations, translated by Jex Martin, VI—163 pp. ; Chicago, 111. : Fides Publishers Association, (1953) ; $ 2.75. Delhaye, Ph., La Théologie morale d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, off-print from Revue des Sciences Religieuses, vol. 27 (1953), pp. 112—130. Dictionnaire de Spiritualité, fase. XVI—XVII : Cor.-Cyrille de Scythopolis , col. 2289—2708 of vol. II ; Paris : Beauchesne, 1953. Dlugosz, Jan, Zycie Swietego Stanislawa biskupa Krakowskiego, 183 pp. ; London, F. Mildner & Sons, 1953. Dorcy, Sr. Mary Jean, O.P., Our Lady of Springtime, VII—47 pp.; Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1953; $1.25. Doronzo, Emmanuel, O. M. L, Tractatus dogmaticus De Poenitentia. Tom. IV. De causis extrinsecis, VIII—1156—(44) pp. ; Milwaukee, Wis. : Bruce, (1953) ; $ 19.00. Eusèbe d'Émèse, Discours conservés en Latin. Textes en partie inédits, Tome I: La CoUection de Troyes (Discours I à XVII), edit. EUgiusM. Buytaert, O. F. M. (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense, fase. 26), LV—380 pp. ; Louvain : Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense, 1953. Gilberto di Tournai, De modo addiscendi. Introduzione e testo inédito a cura di E. Bonifacio (Pontificium Athenaeum Salesianum — Facultas philosophica, Theses ad Lauream, n. 19), 320 pp.; Torino: Società éditrice internazionale, (1953). Gilson, Étienne-Boehner, Philotheus, Geschichte der christlichen Philosophie , fase. II, pp. 259—399 of the second edition ; Paderborn : Ferdinand Schoeningh, 1953. 143 144Franziscan Studies Grúa, Gaston, Jurisprudence universelle et Théodicée selon Leibniz (BibUothèque de Philosophie contemporaine), 548 pp.; Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1953. Gualteri CanceUarii et Bartholomaei de Bononia O. F. M., Quaestiones ineditae de Assumptione B. V. Mariae, second edit, by A. Deneffe, S. J. — H. Weisweiler, S. J., (Opuscula et Textus — Series Scholastica , fase. IX), 85 pp.; Muenster: Aschendorff, (1952). Jean le Solitaire, Aux sources de la tradition du Carmel, 272 pp.; Paris: Beauchesne, 1953. St. John Damascene, Dialéctica. Version of Robert Grosseteste, edit, by Owen A. Colügan, O. F. M. (Franciscan Institute PubUcations —Text Series no. 6), VIII—-63 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1953; $ 1.00. Kane, WiUiam H., John D. Corcoran & other Dominicans, Science In Synthesis. A Dialectical Approach to the Integration of the Physical and Natural Sciences, XII—289 pp. ; River Forst, IU. : Dominican College, (1953). The Legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assisi. Introduction : Translation : Studies, XIV—177 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y. : The Franciscan Institute, 1953. Louvel, François, O. P. — Putz Louis J., C. S. C, Signs of Life, IX— 134 pp. ; Chicago, IU. : Fides Publishers Association, (1953) ; $ 2.75. Lyttkens, Hampus, TL· analogy Between God and the World. An Investigation of its Background and Interpretation of its Use by Thomas of Aquino, 493 pp.; Uppsala: Almquist & WikseUs Boktryckeri , 1952. Mellone, AttiUo, O. F. M., Il concorso delle creature nella produzione delle cose secondo Dante, off-print from Divus Thomas Plac. vol. 56 (1953) n. 2, pp. 273—286. Pazos, Manuel R., O. F. M., Los Franciscanos y la educación literaria de los indios mejicanos, off-print from Archivo Ibero-Americano, vol. 13 (1953) num. 49, pp. 1—59. Piat, Stephane Joseph, O. F. M., Principles and Paradoxes of tL· Militant Life, translated by James Meyer, O.F.M., VIII—199 pp.; Chicago, IU. : Franciscan Herald Press, (1953) ; $ 2.75. M. Rosalia, Sr., Religious Vacation School Manuel. Grades I and II, XIV—112 pp.; Paterson, N. J.: Confraternity PubUcations, (1953); $ 0.50. Schäfer, Odulf, O. F. M., Johannes Duns Scotus (BibUographische Einführungen in das Studium der...

