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140Franciscan Studies The moral obUgation of voting, expounded principally in the Ught of certain papal and episcopal documents, is the subject of Fr. Cranny's doctoral dissertation. After a brief discussion of the concept and nature of voting, the author devotes the bulk of his material to the principles governing the obUgation of voting; the dissertation ends with a chapter on particular duties that foUow the duty of voting. In the opinion of the reviewer, the nature of the right to vote has received a far too meager and inadequate discussion. Moreover the title is somewhat misleading: its connotation is wider than the intent of the proofs contained in the mass of material assembled together. The papal and episcopal pronouncements cited by the author deal with the obligation of Catholic to vote, particularly in circumstances where the CathoUc religion, the Church and its institutions are at stake. In the main the work is a restatement of opinions current among theologians; nevertheless it is a timely topic designed to awaken the CathoUc to his civic responsibilities. The other volume under consideration is a collection of seven compact lectures deUvered by specialists in the field of American and reUgious thought at the Twelfth Annual Round Table Conferences sponsored by the School of Law at the CathoUc University of America. They present a dispassionate appeal to the lawyers and law students to follow the tradition of our former great statesmen who, because they nourished themselves with daily reading of the Scriptures, adhered to commonly held reUgious and moral convictions beyond the scope of positive civil law. In view of the muddled and false concepts on the part of a great many jurists of our generation, regarding Church-State relationship as envisioned in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, these essays provide a concise and interesting appUcation of basic truths to the problems of today, especially for lawyers and law students, both CathoUc and nonCatholic . At the same time they point out the task incumbent upon them : to uphold and defend the reUgious inheritance of our nation's statesmen and jurists of past days. There can be no doubt that only in proportion as the lawyer looks beyond the Law, as he participates in Christ's thinking wiU he fuUy grasp the significance of the basic principles set forth in the American Magna Charta of independence. The book is a remarkable symposium, one that should occupy a prominent place on the law student's shelf. It is indeed a noble chaUengeto thejurists of today to look beyond the Law. Addresses and Sermons (1942—1951). By the Most Reverend Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, ApostoUc Delegate to the Unites States. (St. Anthony Guild Press: Paterson, N. J., 1952. Pp. XIII—482. $ 3,50.) There are few Uving persons who have as thorough understanding and deep knowledge of the CathoUc Church in the United States — its history, traditions, institutions and social enviroments which affect the growth and expansion of Catholic life in this country — as His ExceUency the Most Book Reviews141 Reverend Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, ApostoUc Delegate to the United States. Serving in this capacity for the past two decades he has the unequaled opportunity to witness at first hand the reUgious, social, cultural and economic position of the CathoUc Church at all its levels. He has played a prominent role in the inauguration of new dioceses, in the formation of new ecclesiastical provinces, in the consecration and installation of new bishops, in the dedication of new churches, schools and institutions of higher learning. At these and other similar events and gatherings of bishops, priests and laity he has been caUed upon to speak in his official capacity as a representative of our Holy Father. Speaking with the authority invested in him. His ExceUency has avaüed himself of these multiple occasions not only to convey greetings and feUcitations of the Holy Father, and bestow apostoUc blessing on various Catholic enterprises, but chiefly to inculcate, expound and apply CathoUc teaching to significant events and problems of our day. The distinguished prelate's Adresses and Sermons serve as a vehicle to present the CathoUc mind on such varied subjects as racial equaUty, social justice, miUtary service, reUgious...

