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Book Reviews139 Thaddée Soiron, O. F. M., La condition du théologien, Introduction et adaptation française par Yves Becker et Jean-Robert Hennion, O.F.M. (Coll. Credo, Paris: Librairie Pion, [1953]; 193pp.) This booklet is the first volume of a new collection, pubUshed under the direction of H. I. Marrou, Professor of the Sorbonne, and of the Franciscan A. Hammann. "Credo" wants to publish theological essays for educated Christians of our time, assays showing the connection between our living Faith and the doctrinal (scientific ?) expression of it. A leading principle of the coUection will be the famous "Back to the sources", meaning here the Bible, the Fathers and Liturgy; consequently, history will be emphasized. The Editors intend to include works originally written in foreign languages, but corresponding to their program. A representative of the so-called ,,Verkündigungstheologie", Soiron first pubUshed his work in 1935, under the title „Heilige Theologie". La condition du théologien is an "adaptation", viz. certain passages are dropped (e. g. pages 7—35, and more phrases in the subsequent text), most of the references, which in the German original were printed in the text, are now in footnote, etc. The translations are quite fluent, though not ideal: for instance, in the first chapter the translators were obviously confused by Soiron's speculations about "Ustening" as first requisite of Faith. They confuse the reader by translating "Hören" and "Haltung" by "attention" (cf. p. 46—47 of the French with p. 35—37 of the German edition); the version of "Haltung" is rather "attitude"; "attention" is a possible translation of "Hören", but does not always render the idea of Soiron. Becker and Hennion note that for the translation of biblical texts (of the New Testament) they usually took Le Nouveau Testament of E. Osty. On principle this method is acceptable . In certain instances, however, an other translation better fits the context: e.g. p. 48, Soiron is speculating upon "hearing the word", and, consequently, Rom. X 17 requires the translation "Ainsi la foi vient de ce qu'on entend; et l'on entend, lorsque la parole du Christ est prêchée". The version of Osty (la foi naît de la prédication et la prédication se fait sur l'ordre du Christ) is correct of course, and, perhaps, better renders the idea of St. Paul; but the version we propose corresponds to the letter of both the Greek and the German, and is required by the context of Soiron. We say it regretfully, but we prefer rather to recommend reading the German original of Soiron. Eligius M. Buytaert, O. F. M. Franciscan Institute The Moral Obligation of Voting. By Titus Cranny, S. A., S. T. D. (Washington, D. C. : The Catholic University of America Press, 1952. Pp. XXVII—155.) The Lawyer Looks Beyond the Law. Essays in Human Dignity. (Issued by the WilUam J. Kerby Foundation. The CathoUc University of America Press, 1951. Pp. 91. % 2,50.) ...

