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Book Reviews131 As far as the Clavis Patrum Latinorum is concerned, we caU it an excellent aid for scholars, not only for those interested in patristic Uterature, but for Mediavalists as weU, especiaUy for those who have to publish Medieval texts and want to identify quotations. The Clavis would have had stiU greater value, if the authors had clearly told us which principles were foUowed in ordering the writings of the Fathers in the body of the book as well as in the Indices. Eligius M. Buytaert, 0. F. M. Franciscan Institute Marc de Tolède, Traducteur d'Ibn Tumart. By M. T. D'Alverny and G. Vajda. (Madrid: Al-Andalus, 1952. Pp. 148.) This work by two prominent scholars of Arabic thought first appeared as a series of articles in the Spanish review on Arabic studies, Al-Andalus XVI (1951), 99—140; 260—307; XVII (1952), ?—56 and is reprinted in book form. Mark, a Canon of Toledo who flourished around the first part of the 13th century, has been known to scholars principally as a translator of the Koran together with several more or less insignificant tracts attributed to Galen plus whole sections of the work of Hunayn b. Ishäq. In the first of the five parts of the present volume, entitled 'The Translator' the authors suggest that Mark may be even more historically important as the translator of Ibn Tümart (Habentometus). The latter (d. circa 1129) is credited with introducing Al-Gazzali's thought into the West. At least we know he opposed the literal anthropomorphic interpretations of certain verses of the Koran in favor at the court of the Almoravide dynasty. His doctrines were continued by his pupil Abdul-Mumin, the founder of the Almohade dynasty that was stiU in power when Mark's patron, Rodrigo Jimenez was appointed Archbishop of Toledo. Mark's translation of Ibn Tumart's work together with the Koran served the practical purpose of acquainting Jimenez and his apologists with first hand knowledge of current trends in MusUm theology. How valuable this service was we leave to others to judge. In the opinion of Vadja and D'Alverny, however, "the work of Mark of Toledo has been appreciated fully neither by theologians nor historians. This disdain, which is undoubtedly nothing but ignorance, is whoUy unjustified, for Mark has left us a version of the Koran far more faithful than the paraphrase of such an imaginative author as Robert of Ketene and what is of even more importance, he was the first to offer to the Latin world a Muslim theology." The second part of the work presents a critical estimate of Mark's translation of Ibn Tumart and concludes with the observation that "Mark does not appear too badly when set side by side with the best known Arabic translators of the 12th and 13th centuries, be they Jewish or Christian.'' The third portion containing the text-editions includes the following: i. Preface to Mark's translation of De Tactu Pulsus of Galen; 2. Preface to his translation of the Koran; 3. Preface to his translation of Ibn Tümart; 4. Tractatus Habentometi de Unione Dei; 5. Unio Gloriosi Laudabilis; 6. Vin- 132Franciscan Studies culum; 7. Laudatio Dei Gloriosi; 8. Laus Secunda; 9. Testament of Mark from Chartularium Ecclesiae Toletanae. In presenting these texts, the editors have tried to clarify the obscurities due to the corruption of the Arabic text of Ibn Tumart and to this end have added not only footnotes but a supplementary commentary which constitutes part IV. The volume concludes with a Lexicon comprising three sections: i. Arabic-Latin, where the authors give the Latin equivalent used by Mark for the Arabic terms or expressions together with references to the pages of the text or commentary where they occur; 2. Latin-Arabic, where the Arabic translation of Latin terms are given together with cross-references to the first section of the Lexicon; 3. an index of Latin and Arabic proper names. Allan B. Wolter, 0. F. M. Franciscan Institute Gualteri CanceUarii et Bartholomaei de Bononia O. F. M. Quaestiones ineditae de Assumptione B. V. Mariae, quae ad fidem manuscriptorum edidit A. Deneffe, S. J. Editio secunda...

