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2l8FRANCISCAN STUDIES justified. The additions were made during the life of Dietrich, but Dr. Drees actuaUy never proves that they were made by the Franciscan. 3. The reason given for the value of the Deventer edition is invalid. We have historical evidence that Dietrich was able to speak and write the South-Brabant dialect (Louvain-Brussels),whereas there is no reason forassuming that hewas acquainted with the Overijssel dialect of Deventer. Moreover, Dr. Drees admits that the differences between the x-group and the y-group is not in the phrasing but rather in the fact that the latter group has additional passages; and he admits, too, that the Deventer edition bears traces of the local editor. Since Dr. Drees believes in the superiority of the Low Land editions of the y-group and among them prefers the Deventer edition, his text (pp. 29—321 the pages on the right side) is supposed to approach the Deventer edition; in other words, he would have it be almost a "diplomatische Herausgabe". In fact, the variant readings of the Deventer edition given in footnotes are rather numerous; this confirms the opinion of this reviewer, namely that the Deventer edition is less trustworthy than the principles of Dr. Drees suggest. On the left side of the same pages (29—321), we read the Cologne edition. Later, pp. 323—372, we find additions as given by different editions, and finally a bibUography, pp. 373—379, is added. Unfortunately the work is without indexes. Surely, many wiU be happy to have the Mirror of Dietrich Kolde on hand. Hitherto just a few libraries had in their possession a copy of the "first catechism of the Western Church", for of the numerous old editions only a few copies have survived. Now we have several of its editions on one volume. Though we disagree with Dr. Drees on some of the editing principles he used, stül we are very grateful to him, not only because he re-published the work of a rather famous Franciscan, but especially because he enabled us to understand better the condition of the Church during the decades before and after 1500. Clearly during this period, at least some individuals were zealous in bringing reUgious instruction to the ordinary people, and in the language of the people! E. M. Buytaert, O. F. M. Franciscan Institute Kardinal Cajetan. Eine Gestalt aus der Reformationszeit, by J. F. Groner, O.P., Fribourg-Louvain, 1951; 79pp. The pace of the work, in its entirety, is already set in the Foreword, p. 7 : the author purposes to rectify a historico-scientific injustice, namely the underestimation of Cardinal Cajetan in the uterature covering the last decades of the Fifteenth and the first decades of the Sixteenth Century. Accordingly Fr. Groner would give us a true insight into the personaUty of Cajetan as seen against the background of his time. Hence in due order are treated his role in the fatal happenings of this period, pp. 9—33, the moral personaUty of the Cardinal, pp. 34—56, and his literary activity, pp. 57—65. A list of Cajetan's writings drawn up in the chronological order of their publication, pp. 66—73, plus an alphabetical list of the literature on Cajetan, pp. 74—78,. bring the work to a close. Book Reviews219 The first part, "Cajetan and the History of his Time", is devoted to the Cardinal's activities bearing on the reformatory movements at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. This includes the famous meeting with Luther. In the second part, "The Personality of Cajetan", Fr. Groner details various activities of the General of the Dominican Order, such as his attempts to reform the Order, opening up missions in the New World, and his efforts to heal the wounds left by the Savonarola tragedy. Treatment is given to Cajetan in reference to the Renaissance and his relations with the Renaissance court at Rome. The third part, "The Scientific work of Cajetan", treats rather briefly of the writings of the Cardinal. Fr. Groner informs us that the main work of Cajetan is the Commentary on the Summa oí Saint Thomas Aquinas, that his author obviously was more interested in...

