In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANNOUNCEMENT Theology Digest. — We are happy to announce the existence of a new American periodical: Theology Digest (Subscription price in U. S., Canada and countries of the Pan-American Union $2.00; foreign, $2.25; Editorial address: Theology Digest, St. Mary's CoUege, St. Mary's Kansas; Business adress: Theology Digest, 1015 Central, Kansas City 5, Missouri; three issues a year). "Theology Digest is published for the large number of priests, reUgious, seminarians, and laity, who are interested in present-day theological thought, but who perhaps find it hard to maintain and cultivate this interest. Besides the obvious difficulty that the literature appearing in many different languages is so extensive, there is the further difficulty that many important periodicals are not generaUy available." "Theology Digest aims to help such readers to keep informed of current problems and developments in theology by presenting a concise sampling of current periodical writings in theology. Articles are selected for their significance, interest, and digestibiUty, after a thorough examination of most of the theological journals in Europe and America. These articles are carefully translated 'into English' and condensed . . ." The first issue, published this winter, contains articles of such weU known scholars as R. Aubert, Y. Congar, J. Coppens, L. Lochet, C. Spicq, etc. If the Theology Digest keeps up the high standards adopted, it wiU be worthwhUe reading, especially for people who have neither the time nor the background to read the original. 214 ...

