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OCKHAM BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1950—1967 In 1950, Valens Heynck, OFM published an extensive bibliography on William of Ockham, entitled: "Ockham-Literatur 1919—1949."1 This valuable work has contributed greatly to the advancement of Ockham studies. The purpose of the present bibhography is to continue the work begun by Fr. Heynck, particularly in view of the forthcoming critical edition of Ockham's Opera Philosophica et Theologica.2 However though a continuation of Fr. Heynck's work, the present bibhography does not pretend to such an exhaustive character. Rather it should be considered as a prehrninary step in the gathering of material written about Ockham since 1949. It is hoped, therefore, that those who know of items omitted from this bibliography will submit such information to the author who will then include these entries in future bibhographical lists of Ockham which he expects to publish at frequent intervals. The plan of the present bibliography is quite simple. There are six main categories. I: Ockham: General Information; II: Ockham Writings ; III : Ockham Research ; IV: Theology ; V: Philosophy ; VI : Political Theory. The last four categories are subdivided into two sections. The first includes books and articles which deal directly with Ockham's thought or Ockham scholarship. The second lists certain books and articles relevant to Ockham studies. The latter section is somewhat restricted; not every work relevant to the study or understanding of Ockham could be included. Nevertheless some care has been taken to choose books and articles which have an immediate bearing on the various phases of Ockham studies. Finally, I wish to express my thanks to Fr. Michael Meilach, OFM, who helped collect much of the material in this bibliography. 1 Valens Heynck, O.F.M., "Ockham-Literatur 1919—1949", Franziskanische Studien 32 (1950), 164—183. 2 The forthcoming critical edition of Ockham's Opera Philosophica et Theologica will be published by the Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University, New York. The first volume of the Ordinatio-Scriptum has appeared so far, including the Prologue and First Distinction of the Commentary on Book I of the Sentences. The second volume, containing the Second and Third Distinctions, is presently at the printer's. 198JAMES P. REILLY, JR. I: OCKHAM: GENERAL INFORMATION Encyclopedias and Histories : Bettoni, E., "Guglielmo di Occam", Grande Antología Filosófica, IV (1954), 1411—1476. Bonafede, G., Saggi sulla folosofia medioevale. Turin: Società Editrice Internazionale , 1951. —, Storia della filosofía medioevale. (2d. ed.). Caltanisetta: Sciascia, 1957. Bonansea, B., "Occam or Ockham, William of". Encyclopedia Americana, XX (1958), 607. Buytaert, E., "Occam, William of", Encyclopedia Brittanica, XVI (1958), 680—681. Carlini, ?., "Nominalismo", Enciclopedia Filosófica, III (1957), 927—931· Carré, M. H., Realists and Nominalists. London: Oxford University Press, 195°· Copleston, F., History of Philosophy III: Ockham to Suarez. London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne, 1953. Delhaye, P., La philosophie chrétienne au moyen âge. Paris: Fayard, 1959. Emden, A. B., "Ockham, William de", A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, II: F—O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958, 1384—1387. Fairweather, E., A Scholatic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1956. Gal, G., "William of Ockham", The New Catholic Encyclopedia, XIV (1967), 932—935· Gandillac, M. de: "Ockham e la 'via moderna'," Il movimento dottrinale net secoli IX—XIV. (Storia della Chiesa, 13). Torino, 1965, 577—656. Giacon, C, "Occam, Guglielmo di". Enciclopedia Filosófica, III (1957), 964—973. —, "Occamismo", Enciclopedia Filosófica, III (1957), 973—974. Gilson, E., History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, New York: Random House, 1955, 489—520. Gilson, E. and Boehner, Ph., Christliche Philosophie von ihren Anfängen bis Nikolaus von Cues. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1954. Klein, J., "Ockham, Wilhelm von (ca. 1285—1349)", Die Religionen in Geschichte und Gegenwart IV (i960), 1556—1562. Leff, G., Medieval Thought: From St. Augustine to Ockham. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, i960. 317 p. Mathieu, V., "Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate". Enciclopedia Filosófica, III (i957). 932—933· Maurer, ?., Mediaeval Philosophy. (Vol. II of A History of Philosophy, ed. E. Gilson). New York: Random House, 1962, 265—291. Nardi, B., "Occam (Ockham, Ockam, Okam, Ocham) Guglielmo di". Enciclopedia Cattolica, IX (1952), 38—42. Ockham Bibliography: 1950—1967199 Reilly, J. P. "Wilhelm von Ockham...

