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TEXTS ILLUSTRATING THE CAUSALITY OF THE SACRAMENTS ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA In the June-September issue 1957 oíFranciscan Studies (Vol. 17, pp. 238—272) we published ,,Texts illustrating the causality of the sacraments from William of Melitona, Assisi BiU. Comm. 182, and Brussels Bibl. Royale 1542." Unfortunately, by some mishap, the edition did not carry the footnotes to the texts, which footnotes showed the interdependencies of the texts, as well as the identification of the sources. In having these footnotes printed here we take the opportunity to add also corrections of other errors. The references throughout are to the page and line of the printed article. p. 239, line 3, f. jgr: f. 781». p. 240, line 16, regenerativam : regenerantem p. 240, line 37, corporale: corporalem p. 242, line 102, comparatione. : comparatione, p. 242, line 103, accidens, : accidens; alio modo dicitur communiter per accidens, p. 242, line 104, quarendum: quarundam p. 243, line 137, animae. Item, causa per se, id est: animae, sunt causa per se, id est, p. 243, line 138, acceperunt, ad: acceperunt. Ad p. 243, line 139, dispositiva: dispositiva, p. 245, line 243, transfundent : transfundunt p. 247, line 292, invenitur : inveniuntur p. 248, line 331, similia bona animae,: naturalia bona animae; p. 250, line 423, nobiliter: minus nobiliter p. 253, line 89, perficientem : perficiendo p. 257, line 243, huiusmodi: huiusmodi, p. 258, line 277, gloriae: gloria p. 259, line 341, delete non p. 260, line 362, signent: signant p. 262, line 451, permanebat: permaneat p. 264, line 6, delete utrum p. 268, line 163, ipsa: ipsam p. 272, line 342, animam, quia: animam, non tarnen eodem modo est illa gratia in sacramentis et in anima, quia The following pages reproduce the footnotes to three texts. ASSISI BIBL. COMM. 182 (Cf. Franciscan Studies, June-Sept. 1957, P- 239 ff.) Lines ? to 8, cf. infra Melitona, lines 65 to 70. Lines 6 to 8, cf. Hugh of St. Victor, De sacramentis, Lib. i, pars XI, cap. 2, (P. L. 176, 343). Lines 10 to 14, cf. infra Melitona lines 72 to 75. 89 90K. F. LYNCH Lines 15 to 16, cf. Lombard, IV Sent., dist. 3, (ed. Quaracchi, II, 759 with references) . Lines 15 to 17, cf. infra Melitona, lines 76 to 78. Lines 19 ff., cf. Aug., Tract. 80 super lohannem 15,3 (P. L. 35, 1840). Lines 19 to 20, cf. infra Melitona, Unes 79 to 82. Lines 21 to 23, cf. infra Melitona lines 83 to 85. Lines 24 ff., non invenimus. Lines 32 to 33, ,,Virtus est bona qualitas," etc., cf. Lombard, II Sent., dist. 27, ch. 5 (ed. Quaracchi I, p. 446) ; cf. also Aug., De lib. arbitr. c. 19, (P. L. 32, 1268), and Petrus Pictaviensis, Sent. Lib. III, ci (P. L. 211, 1041). On this point cf. Lottin, R.S.P.T. (1929) p. 371. Lines 32 to 34, cf. infra Melitona, lines 92 to 95. Line 35, cf. Aug. Ennar. in Ps., Ps. 118, 73 (P. L. 37, 1553). Lines 35 to 36, cf. infra Melitona, lines 96 to 98. Lines 37 to 38, cf. infra Melitona, lines 99 to 100. Lines 39 to 40, cf. rather Isidore of Seville, Etymol. VI, c. XIX, 39—42 (P. L. 82, 255 c—256 a). On this point cf. D. Van den Eynde, O.F.M., Les définitions des sacrements pendant la première période de la théologie scholastique, Rome-Louvain, 1950, p. 3 and p. 175, where he speaks of the attribution of this definition to St. Gregory. Lines 39 to 41, cf. infra Melitona, lines 104 to 107. Lines 44 to 45, cf. infra Melitona, lines 108 to 109. Lines 44 to 45, cf. Lombard, IV Sent., dist. 1, ch. 5 (ed. Quaracchi H, p. 747)· Lines 48 to 51, cf. infra Melitona, lines no to 114. Lines 60 to 80, cf. infra Melitona, lines 116 to 140 Lines 81 to 89, cf. infra Melitona lines 141 to 146, aliquo modo. Lines 93 to 94, cf. Aug., De gratia et libero arbitrio, c. 17, ?. 33 (P. L. 44, goi). Lines 90 to 100, cf. Melitona infra, lines 168 to 175 aliquo modo. Lines ??? to 118, cf. Melitona infra...

