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  • Index to Volume 42

Subject Index

Across-the-board movement, 42.2 Potsdam and Polinsky

Adjective (A/Adj)/Adjectives, 42.1 Katzir, 42.2 Nevins, 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici, 42.3 Watanabe
in Catalan, 42.2 Nevins

Adjective Phrase (AP), 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian, 42.1 Katzir, 42.2 Nevins, 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici

Adjunct islands, 42.1 Heestand, Xiang, and Polinsky

Adjuncts, 42.1 Heestand, Xiang, and Polinsky, 42.3 Hartman, 42.3 Moro, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Iatridou and Sichel, 42.4 Morzycki, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare

Adverbials, 42.3 Hartman, 42.3 Moro, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare
wh-, 42.3 Hartman, 42.3 Moro

Adverbs, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian, 42.1 Larson, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare
in Eastern Armenian, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian

Affixes, 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Katzir, 42.2 Pertsova, 42.3 Tanaka
PF, 42.1 Bošković

Affix hopping, 42.3 Tanaka

Agglutinating languages, 42.2 Sato

Ago, 42.4 Morzycki

AGREE(voice), 42.1 McCarthy

Agree (probe-goal), 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Ott, 42.2 Nevins, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.2 Syrett and Lidz, 42.3 Moro, 42.3 Watanabe, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare

Agreement (Agr)/Agreement, 42.1 Katzir, 42.1 Larson, 42.1 Ott, 42.1 Sportiche, 42.2 Nevins, 42.2 Pertsova, 42.2 Sato, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.3 Moro, 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Harbour, 42.4 Iatridou and Sichel
adjectival, 42.3 Watanabe, 42.4 Harbour
in Kiowa-Tanoan, 42.4 Harbour

Agreement Phrase (AgrP), 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici

Alignment constraints, 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici, 42.4 Kaplan

Anaphora, 42.2 Delfitto and Fiorin, 42.3 Almotahari

Anaphors, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto

Ang (Tagalog), 42.1 Larson

Antecedent-contained deletion, 42.2 Syrett and Lidz

Aplenty, 42.4 Morzycki

Argument drop, 42.1 Bošković, 42.2 Sato, 42.2 Sigurðsson

Arguments, 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Larson, 42.2 Sato, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.3 Moro, 42.3 Watanabe

Articles, 42.1 Katzir

Aspect (Asp)/Aspects in Russian, 42.2 Potsdam and Polinsky

Assignment functions, 42.3 Almotahari

Assimilation, 42.1 McCarthy

Auxiliary (Aux)/Auxiliaries, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian
in Eastern Armenian, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian

Barriers, 42.1 Bošković

Base-generated structures, 42.3 Steddy and Samek-Lodovici

Belief situations, 42.1 Cable

Binding, 42.1 Heestand, Xiang, and Polinsky, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.3 Hartman, 42.4 Roelofsen, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare [End Page 701]

Binding Economy, 42.4 Roelofsen

Binding theory, 42.1 Bošković, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Roelofsen
Condition/Principle A, 42.1 Bošković, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto
Condition/Principle B, 42.2 Sigurðsson
Condition/Principle C, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Iatridou and Sichel

Blocking Principle, 42.2 Pertsova

By the shitload, 42.4 Morzycki

Case, 42.1 Bošković, 42.2 Potsdam and Polinsky, 42.2 Sato, 42.3 Watanabe

Chains, 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Sportiche, 42.3 Moro, 42.4 Iatridou and Sichel, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare

Child language acquisition, 42.2 Syrett and Lidz

Cine (Romanian), 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare

Class(Noun), 42.4 Harbour

Clause structure folding, 42.3 Moro

Cleft sentences, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto

Clitics, 42.1 Heestand, Xiang, and Polinsky, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian, 42.4 Donati and Cecchetto, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare
second position, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian

Come mai (Italian), 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare

COMP-accessibility, 42.1 Ott

Complementizer (C/Comp)/Complementizers, 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Ott, 42.1 Sportiche, 42.3 Moro
doubly filled, 42.1 Sportiche
as a PF affix, 42.1 Bošković

Complementizer Phrase (CP), 42.1 Bošković, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian, 42.1 Ott, 42.2 Sigurðsson, 42.3 Hartman, 42.3 Moro, 42.4 Shlonsky and Soare
in Eastern Armenian, 42.1 Kahnemuyipour and Megerdoomian...

