African Ethics: Gĩkũyũ Traditional Morality. By Hannah Wangeci Kinoti and edited by G. Wakuraya Wanjohi and Gerald J. Wanjohi. Amsterdam and New York: Editions Rodopi B.V., 2010. Pp. 286. Paper $76.95.
The Birth of Orientalism. By Urs App. Philadelphia and Oxford: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Pp. xviii + 550. Hardcover $79.95, £52.00.
Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet. By Richard De Smet, edited by Ivo Coelho. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 2010. Pp. 294. Hardcover Rs. 695.
Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India: Jnānaśrīmitra on Exclusion. By Lawrence J. McCrea and Parimal G. Patil. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. Pp. x + 204. Hardcover $82.50, £57.00. Paper $27.95, £19.00.
Confucianism in Context: Classic Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, East Asia and Beyond. Edited by Wonsuk Chang and Leah Kalmanson. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010. Pp. xi + 243. Hardcover $75.00.
The Cool-Kawaii: Afro-Japanese Aesthetics and New World Modernity. By Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2011. Pp. xxvii + 208. Price not given.
Dao Companion to Neo-Confucian Philosophy. Edited by John Makeham. Newark, NJ: Springer SMB, 2010. Pp. xliii + 488. Hardcover $229.00.
German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race, and Scholarship. By Suzanne L. Marchand. Washington, D.C.: German Historical Institute; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xxxiv + 526. Price not given.
Hobbes on Resistance: Defying the Leviathan. By Susanne Sreedhar. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. vii + 183. Hardcover $85.00.
The Indo-German Identification: Reconciling South Asian Origins and European Destinies, 1765-1885. By Robert Cowan. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2010. Pp. x + 225. Hardcover $75.00.
The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature. Edited by Vibeke Børdahl and Margaret B. Wan. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press, 2010. Pp. xvii + 269. Paper $27.00, £18.99.
Japan's Frames of Meaning: A Hermeneutics Reader. By Michael F. Marra. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2011. Pp. xv + 443. Price not given.
Jātaka Stories in Theravāda Buddhism: Narrating the Bodhisatta Path. By Naomi Appleton. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2010. Pp. viii + 176. Hardcover $99.95. [End Page 745]
The Kyoto School's Takeover of Hegel: Nishida, Nishitani, and Tanabe Remake the Philosophy of Spirit. By Peter Suares. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2011. Pp. xiv + 218. Price not given.
Language and Logic in Ancient China: Collected Papers on the Chinese Language and Logic. By Janusz Chmielewski and edited by Marek Mejor. Warszawa: PAN, 2009. Pp. 352. Price not given.
Manifest in Words, Written on Paper: Producing and Circulating Poetry in Tang Dynasty China. By Christopher M. B. Nugent. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2010. Pp. x + 341. Hardcover $39.95.
Martial Arts and Philosophy: Beating and Nothingness. Edited by Graham Priest and Damon Young. Chicago and LaSalle: Open Court, 2010. Pp. xiii + 238. Paper $21.95.
A New Humanism: The University Addresses of Daisaku Ikeda. By Daisaku Ikeda. London and New York: I. B. Tauris and Co. Ltd., 2010. Pp. xiii + 284. Hardcover £35.00. Paper £9.99.
The One, the Many, and the Trinity: Joseph A. Bracken and the Challenge of Process Metaphysics. By Marc A. Pugliese. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2011. Pp. xviii + 297. Hardcover $69.95.
The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. By Jack W. Chen. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2010. Pp. xvii + 445. Hardcover $49.95.
Sugamo Diary. By Sasakawa Ryôichi and translated by Ken Hijino. London: C. Hurst and Co. Ltd., 2010. Pp. xxxi + 398. Hardcover $40.00.
The Transport of Reading: Text and Understanding in the World of Tao Qian (365-427). By Robert Ashmore. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2010. Pp. xii + 345. Hardcover $39.95. [End Page 746]