In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Barry, Colman J., O.S.B., Readings in Church History, Volume I: From Pentecost to the Protestant Revolt, XX—633 pp. ; Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, (i960). Bettoni, Efrem, O.F.M., Nothing for Your Journey, transi, by Bruce Malina, O.F.M., 165 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). De Beaulieu, Ernest-Marie, O.F.M. Cap., Teeth in the Devil's Hide. The Life of Père Marie-Antoine O.F.M.Cap. 1825—1907. Transi, and adapted by Gregory Van der Becken O.F.M.Cap., VII—184pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). De Land, Graydon S., American Traveler's Companion. A word and phrase book. English, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, X—293 pp.; Tallahassee, Florida: American Traveler's Companion, (1959)· De Robeck, Nesta, Vico Necchi, IX—169 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (i960). Dukker, Chrysostomus, O.F.M., The Changing Heart. The penance concept of St. Francis of Assisi, transi, by Bruce Malina, O.F.M., IX—156 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). Esser, Cajetan, O.F.M., The Order of St. Francis. Its spirit and its mission in the kingdom of God, transi, by Ignatius Brady, O.F.M., 60 pp. ; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). Hamm, Victor M., Language, Truth and Poetry. The Aquinas Lecture, i960, VII—74 pp. ; Milwaukee : Marquette University Press, i960. Hermann, Placid, O.F.M., Seraph of Love, 128 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). Hessler, Sylvester, The Bible in the Light of Modem Science, XIII—87 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (i960). Hödl, Ludwig, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Literatur und der Theologie der Schlüsselgewalt. 1. Teil: Die scholastische Literatur und die Theologie der Schlüsselgewalt von ihren Anfängen an bis zur Summa Aurea des Wilhelm von Auxerre (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters XXXVIII 4), XXVII—398 pp. ; Münster Westf.: Aschendorff, (i960). Hoffman, Roñan, O.F.M.Conv., Pioneer Theories of Missiology, XIV— 182 pp.; Washington, D.C. : The Cath. Univ. of America Press, i960. Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., The Book of Genesis, parts 1 and 2; New York: Paulist Press, (i960). 155 156Books Received Kelly, Bernard J., C.S.Sp., Missionary Spirituality, X—165 pp.; Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, i960. Legare, Romain, O.F.M., An Apostle of two Worlds Father Frederic Janssoone, O.F.M. of Ghyvelde, transi, by Raphael Brown, T.O.S.F., 380 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1958). Lekeux, Martial, O.F.M., The Art of Prayer, transi, by Paul J. Oligny, O.F.M., VI—306pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (1959). Lesage, Germain, O.M.L, Vers une haute perfection, 192 pp.; Ottawa: Editions de l'université d'Ottawa, i960. McEleney, Neil J., C. S.P., The Law Given Through Moses. Introduction to the Pentateuch, 32 pp.; New York: Paulist Press, (i960). Meyer, Wendelin, O.F.M., To the Least. A biography of Sister Mary Euthymia, transi, by Herman J. Fister, O.F.M., X—85 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (i960). Palmieri, L. E., Language and Clear Thinking. An introduction to Logic, VIII—210 pp. ; Lincoln, Nebraska: Johnsen Publishing Co., (i960). Steck, Francis Borgia, O.F.M., Marquette Legends, edited by August Reyling , O.F.M., XXI—35) pp.; New York: Pageant Press, (1959). Strack, Bonifatius, O.F.M.Cap., Christusleid im Christenleben. Ein Beitrag zur Theologie des christlichen Lebens nach dem heiligen Bonaventura (Franziskanische Forschungen 13), XVII—158 pp.; Werl: Coelde Verlag, i960). Thomas Aquinas (S.), On Charity (De caritate). Transi, from the Latin with an Introduction by Lottie H. Kendzierski, 115: Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, i960. Wolter, Martin, O.F.M., The Voice of Your Father, XVI—400; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, (i960). Philosophy of Science. The Philosophy of Science Institute Lectures St. John's University Studies (Philosophical Series 1), IX—164 pp.; Jamaica, N.Y.: St. John's University Press, (i960). Religion in the Developing Personality. Proceedings of the Second Academy Symposium 1958, XIII—no pp. ; New York: New York University Press, i960. Corrigendum On p. 226 of volume 19, 1959, please read Robert J. Roth, S. J. instead of Robert J. Roch. S. J. ...

