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THIRTY YEARS SINCE STEGMULLER A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF MEDIEVAL SENTENCE COMMENTARIES SINCE THE PUBLICATION OF STEGMÜLLER'S REPERTORIUM COMMENTARIORUM IN SENTENTIAS PETRI LOMBARDI (1947) One of the more remarkable features exhibited by that remarkable book, the Sentences, is that its author, Peter Lombard, evidently possessed an uncanny knack of saying enough to inspire discussion while leaving enough unsaid to stimulate fruitful speculation. A glance at the numerous traditions of commentaries on the Sentences confirms this judgment. For more than four centuries the Sentences generated some of the most important and influential theologica land philosophical discussions in the Middle Ages. As a result, a veritable wealth of medieval learning came to be contained in the Sentence commentaries . While in former years the Sentence commentaries were an object of primarily theological investigations, more recently their value and relevance for the history of philosophy and science have come to be recognized by increasing numbers of medievalists. And rightly so: although the Sentences itself functioned largely as a theological textbook in a theological curriculum, the commentators soon crossed theological boundaries and extended their discussions into areas of ethical, logical, philosophical, and scientific concerns. Consequently, the Sentence commentaries undoubtedly constitute a most valuable source as yet to be fully explored by historians of medieval philosophy and science.1 1 Cf. my dissertation The Value of the Commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentences for the History of Medieval Philosophy: an Inquiry and Assessment, completed at Cornell University, 1975 (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International , 1976). This study provided the initial impetus for this bibliography. 256JOHN VAN DYK The study of medieval Sentence commentaries was enormously facilitated by the publication of F. Stegmiiller's Repertorium Commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi. This eminently useful work, published in 1947, contains a listing of the extant commentaries on the Sentences, complete with a bibliography of secondary sources and extensive indices. An important supplement to the Repertorium was published by V. Doucet in 1954. Since that time a number of additional Sentence commentaries have been discovered, while others were reprinted or edited. In the meantime a remarkable number of studies of Sentence commentaries have appeared. This bibliography does not continue the work of Stegmüller and Doucet. While Stegmüller included in his Repertorium relevant bibliographical materials useful for continued study of any number of the commentators, his primary focus was on the manuscripts in which the commentaries were to be found. The aim of this bibliography , on the other hand, is to assemble within one single bibliographical framework the numerous studies, reprints, and editions of Sentence commentaries that have appeared since 1947. The table of contents shows the plan of the bibliography. The vast majority of entries have been assigned to one of four categories. A few, however, seemed to fit more than one category, and have been cross-referenced. Numerous entries, meanwhUe, have been briefly annotated. Complete indices of names are appended. These should prove useful, particularly to those who have an interest in a specific medieval commentator. It is my hope that this bibliography will both facilitate and inspire continued study of the Sentence literature. Table of Contents Part. I Texts, editions, and studies of manuscripts, texts, editions , authorship, and related topics ....... 258 Part II Philosophical studies ............ 278 Part III Theological studies ............. 288 Part IV Studies of a more historical nature. The focus is on relations , historical contexts, and related topics . . . 297 Part V Index nominum antiquorum ......... 305 Part VI Index nominum modernorum ......... 310 9 - Franciscan Studies 1979 Part I Texts, Editions, and Studies of Manuscripts, Texts, Editions, Authorship, and Related Topics i. Alexander of Hales. Glossa in quatuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. "Bibliotheca Scholastica Medii Aevi," Vols. 1215 . Collegium S. Bonaventurae ed. Florence: Quaracchi, 1951-57· 2.Alfonso de Vargas y Toledo. In Primum Sententiarum. Thomas de SpiUmbergo ed. Venice: 1490. Reprinted by the Meriden Gravure Co., 1952, as Vol. 2 in "Cassiciacum: Studies in St. Augustine and the Augustinian Order." 3.Alszeghi, Z. "Abbreviations Bonaventurae. Handschriftliche Auszüge aus dem Sentenzenkommentar des hl. Bonaventura im Mittelalter." Gregorianum, 28 (1947), 474-510. 4.Backes, I. "Der Sentenzenkommentar des Petrus Spitznagel von Frankfurt." Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 22 (1955), 110...

