In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Dissertation Abstracts


Institution Title Page
The Catholic University of America The Relationship between the Catholic Teacher's Faith and Commitment in the Catholic High School ................................................ 84
The Claremont Graduate University Guided by their Conscience: Catholic Suffragists in America 1890-1920............. 85
Georgetown University The shifting boundaries of religious pluralism in America through the lens of interfaith marriage............................................... 85
Harvard Divinity School Showdown in the Sonoran Desert: Religion, Law, and the Immigration Controversy.................. 86
The University of Arizona Leadership and mission-based decision-making: The U.S. Catholic Bishops responses to the priest shortage ............................................... 87

We include here selected dissertation abstracts in the fields of U.S. Catholic history, sociology, theology, architecture, art, cinema, music, popular movements, and related areas that we believe our readers will find to be of particular interest. Those interested in submitting an abstract for possible publication in the dissertation section of American Catholic Studies should do so electronically to in Microsoft Word format. [End Page 83]


