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BOOKS RECEIVED Benedetti, Marina, Grado Giovanni Merlo, & Andrea Piazzu, eds. Vite di eretici e storie di frati: A Giovanni Miccoli. Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 1998. Pages 331. Bokenkotter, Thomas. Church and Revolution: Catholics in the Struggle for Democracy and Social Justice. New York: Doubleday, 1998. Pages 424. Conti, Martino. // Codice di Comunione dei Frati Minori: Introduzione e commente alla RegoL·. (Bibliotheca Pontifica Athenaei Antoniani, 36.) Rome: Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum, 1999. Pages 427. Langa, Pedro. San Agustín y la cultura. Madrid: Editorial Revista Agustianiana, 1998. Pages 347. Perez-Estevez, Antonio. La Materia de Avicena a la Escuela Franciscana. Maracaibo, Venezuela: Editorial de la Universidad del Zulia, 1998. Pages 477. The Postilla of Nicholas of Lyra on the Song of Songs. Introduction, translation, and edition by James George Kiecker. Biblical Studies Series, ed. Franz Posset. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998. Pages 128. Raurell, Frederic. / Cappuccini e Io Studio della Bibbia. Rome: Istituto Francescano di Spiritualità. Barcelona: Facultat de teología de Catalunya, 1997. Pages 488. Redpath, Peter A. The Masquerade of the Dream Walkers: Prophetic Theology from the Cartesians to Hegel. Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi B.V. (Amsterdam), 1998. Pages xiii, 331. Regesta Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Conventualium, 2 (1504-1506). Ed. Gustavo Parisciani, OFM Conv. (Fonti e studi Francescani a cura dei Frati Minori Conventuali, VII.) Padua: Centro Studi Antoniani, 1998. Pages cxxxix, 262. 231 Franciscan Studies (57) 1999 232Books Received Robson, Michael, OFM Conv. The Franciscans in the Medieval Custody of York. University of York Borthwick Paper No. 93. Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, 1997. Pages 40. Seegets, Petra. Passionstheologie und Passionsfrömmigkeit im ausgehenden Mittelalter: Der Nürnberger Franziskaner Stephan Fridolin (gest. 1498) zwischen Kloster und Stadt. Spätmittelalter und Reformation Neue Reihe, 10. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1998. Pages 338. Talbot, John Michael. The Lessons of St. Francis: How to Bring Simplicity and Spirituality into Your Daily Life. New York: Plume Books, 1998. Pages 254. ...

