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  • Index to Volume 104

The Index exhibits separately: (I) Contributors; (II) Contents, arranged with reference to the main types of material appearing in the journal. Certain conventions, e.g., that of indicating reviewers by enclosing their names in parentheses immediately after the designation of books reviewed, will be familiar from earlier volumes. Reviews are regularly listed by name of modern author, editor, translator, etc.; (III) Advertisers.

I. Contributors

P. Agócs, 371; M. Asper, 113.

A. Barchiesi, 116; A. H. Becker, 115; D. Boedeker, 505; P. Lowell Bowditch, 355; K. Meng Brassel, 376; L. Bravi, 122; W. Briggs, 262; P. G. McC. Brown, 120.

W. M. Calder III, 267; P. Cartledge, 255; S. Chappell, 89; P. Christesen 107; W. R. Connor, 483.

S. G. Daitz, 260; E. Dickey, 259, 504; E. Dodson-Robinson, 520; F. Dolansky, 191.

C. Fleiner, 374; J. A. Foster, 123; J. A. Francis, 382.

R. Haas, 245; J. T. Hamilton, 509; W. S. Hansen, 419; S. J. Harrison, 261; J. M. Hemelrijk, 265; J. Henderson, 257; J. Hindermann, 77; L. Holford-Strevens, 118; L. Holland, 211; G. W. Houston, 258.

C. Keane, 427; J. Kemp, 59; D. Konstan, 379; C. S. Kraus, 124.

C. Laes, 451; P. Lautner, 519; E. Winsor Leach, 367; S. Lye, 516.

D. Machado, 107; S. J. V. Malloch, 126; J. Marincola, 368; P. S. Mazur, 3; A. A. Melchior, 499; S. Menn, 117; H.-F. Mueller, 227; S. Murnaghan, 339

M. Nerdahl, 295; S. Nooter, 399; M. Noussia-Fantuzzi, 521.

P. O'Mahoney, 143.

D. Panchenko, 369; A. Pappas, 513; R. J. Penella, 380; C. A. Perkins, 313; F. Pontani, 264; D. Porter, 475; D. M. Possanza, 515.

D. Robertson, 111; J. Romm, 518; G. Rosati, 523.

F. Santangelo, 333; E. Schütrumpf, 112; J. L. Sebesta, 363; J. Mira Seo 253; R. Holschuh Simmons, 29; M. Skempis, 508; N. W. Slater, 507; J. Solomon, 378; G. Staley, 503; T. Stevenson, 175; S. Stroup, 254; N. Swift, 495.

P. Thibodeau, 375; C. Tsagalis, 373; M. A. Tueller, 512.

D. Unruh, 279.

R. Wallace, 121; E. B. West, 17; C. Whitton, 370; T. P. Wiseman, 511.

D. C. Yates, 161.

II.1 Articles, Surveys, Scholia, Paedagogus

P. Lowell Bowditch: Horace and the Pyrrhatechnics of Translation: 355.
S. Chappell: Auxiliary Regiments and New Cultural Formation in Imperial Dacia, 106-274 C.E. : 89.
P. Christesen and D. Machado: Video Games and Classical Antiquity: 107.
W. R. Connor: We Must Call the Classics before a Court of Shipwrecked Men: 483.
F. Dolansky: Reconsidering the Matronalia and Women's Rites: 191.
R. Haas: Homer on the Range: 245.
W. S. Hansen: Catullus 44: The Invulnerability of Not Caring to Be Included: 419.
J. Hindermann: Does Lucius Really Fail to Learn from Socrates' Fate? Elegiac Themes in Apuleius' Metamorphoses (Books 1-3): 77.
L. Holland: Family Nomenclature and Same-Name Divinities in Roman Religion and Mythology: 211. [End Page 537]
C. Keane: Lessons in Reading: Horace on Homer at Epistles 1.2.1-31: 427.
J. Kemp: A Moral Purpose, A Literary Game: Horace, Satires 1.4: 59.
C. Laes: Silent Witnesses: Deaf-mutes in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: 451.
P. S. Mazur: Formulaic and Thematic Allusions in Iliad 9 and Odyssey 14: 3.
A. A. Melchior: The ABC Technique for Reinforcing Declensional Endings: 499.
H.-F. Mueller: Spectral Rome from Female Perspective: An Experiment in Recouping Women's Religious Experience (CIL 6.18817 = ILS 8006 = Orelli 2.4775): 227.
S. Murnaghan: Classics for Cool Kids: Popular and Unpopular Versions of Antiquity for Children: 339.
M. Nerdahl: Flattery and Platonic Philosophy: The Limits of Education in Plutarch's Life of Dion: 295.
S. Nooter: Language, Lamentation and Power in Sophocles' Electra: 399.
P. O'Mahoney: On the "Hiccuping Episode" in Plato's Symposium: 143.
C. A. Perkins: The Figure of Elegy in Amores 3.1: Elegy as Puella, Elegy as Poeta, Puella as Poeta: 313.
D. Porter: On the Divide: A Classicist/Musician Who Refused to Grow Up: 475.
F. Santangelo: Whose Sacrilege? A Note on Sal. 5.14: 333.
J. L. Sebesta: Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 2011 Supplementary Survey: 363.
R. Holschuh Simmons: Deconstructing a Father's Love: Catullus 72 and 74: 29.
T. Stevenson...

