A Sentiment-Based Digital Library of Movie Review Documents Using Fedora / Une bibliothèque numérique de documents critiques de films basée sur les sentiments en utilisant Fedora
This study develops a digital library of movie review documents that supports sentiment-based browsing and searching. Firstly, we develop an automatic method for in-depth sentiment analysis and classification of movie review documents to provide sentiment orientations toward multiple perspectives of movies, such as overall opinion about the movie, director, and cast. By utilizing information extraction techniques such as entity extraction, co-referencing, and pronoun resolution, the review texts are segmented into multiple sections where each section contains multiple sentences and discusses a particular aspect of the reviewed movie. For each aspect section, a machine-learning algorithm, Support Vector Machine (SVM), is applied to determine sentiment orientation toward the target aspect. Secondly a prototype digital library is developed with the automatically analysed data to show the usefulness of sentiment-based browsing and searching. Using the system, the user can browse and search movies by sentiment polarity (positive, neutral, or negative) of multiple aspects in the movie. Finally, a usability evaluation is conducted to observe the effectiveness of the sentiment-based digital library.
Cette étude examine le développement d’une bibliothèque numérique de documents critiques de films permettant l’exploration et la recherche par sentiments. Pour commencer, nous développons une méthode automatique pour l’analyse en profondeur des sentiments et la classification des documents critiques de films propres à fournir des orientations à propos des sentiments capables d’offrir des perspectives multiples sur les films, comme par exemple l’opinion générale sur le film, sur le metteur en scène, et sur les acteurs. Grâce à [End Page 307] l’utilisation de techniques d’extraction d’information telles que l’extraction d’entités, le co-référencement, et la résolution de pronoms, les comptes rendus sont segmentés en de multiples sections où chacune contient plusieurs phrases et aborde un aspect particulier du film en question. À chacune de ces sections on applique un algorithme d’apprentissage automatique, Support Vector Machine (SVM), qui détermine l’orientation du ou des sentiments pour cette section. Ensuite, nous développons un prototype de bibliothèque numérique en utilisant les données analysées automatiquement afin de montrer l’utilité de l’exploration et de la recherche par sentiments. En utilisant ce système, l’utilisateur peut explorer et faire des recherches dans les films selon les polarités des sentiments (positif, neutre, ou négatif) et ce, sur de nombreux aspects des films. Pour finir, nous avons effectué une évaluation d’utilisabilité afin de vérifier l’efficacité d’une bibliothèque numérique basée sur les sentiments.
Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Summarization, User-Generated Content, Digital Libraries, Movie Reviews
Analyse par sentiments, rédaction de résumés par sentiments, contenus générés par l’utilisateur, bibliothèques numériques, critiques de films
The emergence and wide use of digital libraries impose many new challenges. It is increasingly important to innovate ways of organizing information and supporting the user to find relevant documents easily. Digital libraries also provide good opportunities as test beds for exploring these issues with various kinds of digital documents. Therefore, researchers are developing diverse digital libraries to explore novel ways of organizing, browsing, and searching digital documents, not only by standard metadata fields but also by aspects of documents through automatic content analysis. Thus this study develops a prototype sentiment-based digital library to explore the usefulness of automatically analysed sentiment information in the digital library.
Research in automatic text classification seeks mostly to develop models (text classifiers) for assigning category labels to new documents based on a set of training documents. For classification, documents are represented as sets of features from their content and style, called document vectors. Most studies of automatic text classification have focused on either “topical classification” classifying documents by subject or topic (e.g., education vs. entertainment), or “genre classification” classifying documents by document styles (e.g., fiction vs. non-fiction). A detailed introduction to automatic text classification has been provided by Sebastiani (2002). [End Page 308]
In recent years, we have witnessed tremendous growth of online discussion groups and review sites, where an important characteristic of the posted articles is their sentiment or overall opinion about the subject matter. Researchers are turning their attention to sentiment classification, a kind of non-topical classification. Though machine-learning techniques have long been used in topical text classification with good results, they are less effective when applied to sentiment classification (Pang and Lee 2008). Sentiment classification is a more difficult task compared to traditional topical classification, which classifies articles by comparing individual words (unigrams) in various subject areas. A challenging aspect of sentiment classification that distinguishes it from traditional topic-based classification is that while topics are often identifiable by keywords alone, sentiment can be expressed in a more delicate expression. For example, the sentence “Who would vote for this presidential candidate?” contains no single word that is obviously negative. Sentiment classification requires more understanding than the usual topic-based classification.
Recently researchers have been working beyond binary classification of positive and negative sentiments which predicts an overall sentiment of a review document (Blair-Goldensohn et al. 2008; Hu and Liu 2004; Zhuang, Jing, and Zhu 2006). They perform more in-depth sentiment analysis of review texts. For instance, the reviews of a pop song cover not only overall sentiment but also many specific aspects such as vocals, lyrics, recording quality, creativity, and so on. For sentiment analysis of review documents such as music and movies, more in-depth sentiment analysis is essential, and various aspects in the review document should be considered in addition to the binary classification of overall sentiment. For example, a reviewer may like some aspects, such as director’s performance, of a movie but not all.
We investigate movie review documents in this study mainly because there is a large amount of review data available on the Internet and such reviews are challenging. Movie reviews are believed to be more challenging than other reviews such as product reviews (Turney 2002). Separate consideration for different aspects of movie reviews, such as opinions on cast, director, storyline, and animation, provides better sentiment analysis of the movie.
In order to classify sentiments about multiple perspectives of a movie, sentences in a review text are tagged into different movie aspects (such as director or cast) so that the sentences in each aspect can be analysed [End Page 309] and processed independently. For this purpose, information extraction techniques such as entity annotation, co-referencing, and pronoun resolution are employed. Then the automatically tagged sentences in each aspect section are also reviewed by two manual coders in order to verify the effectiveness of our automatic sentence-tagging approach. The independent coders also read the tagged sentences in each aspect section and manually code a sentiment orientation toward the target aspect. Inter-coder reliability is verified, since the manually coded information is used as the training data for the supervised machine learning. This initial work is described in Thet, Na, and Khoo (2008), and also summarized in the section “Sentiment analysis and classification” below.
After the sentiment orientations of the movie reviews are automatically analysed, a prototype digital library is developed to show the usefulness of sentiment-based browsing and searching. The sentiment information is stored as the metadata of movie digital objects. Then the system allows sentiment-based search of movie digital objects by specifying sentiment polarity (positive, neutral, or negative) toward the overall opinion about the movie, director, or cast. An example would be a search of movies where directors have received positive sentiment reviews. Sentiment-based browsing allows the user to browse movies, directors, and cast (actors/actresses) alphabetically. While searching and browsing, the system displays sentiment-categorized results. In this way, users can focus on movie objects in their preferred sentiment category only. We expect that the sentiment-based browsing and searching would be a standard feature in future digital libraries of social media content (e.g., expert reviews, user reviews, blog postings, and discussion board postings) as they enhance the usability of the digital library.
In the following sections, “Related works” introduces related approaches for sentiment analysis and opinion mining, and “Sentiment analysis and classification” describes our sentiment analysis method for the movie review documents. The section “A sentiment-based movie-review digital library” gives details of a developed prototype digital library and its user evaluation results. Finally, the section “Discussion and conclusion” discusses future works and concludes the paper.
Related works
Many researchers have carried out studies of automatic sentiment analysis and opinion mining (Pang and Lee 2008). For instance, Pang, Lee, [End Page 310] and Vaithyanathan (2002) examined the effectiveness of three machine-learning methods (Naïve Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machines [SVM]) for the sentiment classification of movie reviews. They used mainly features based on unigrams (with negation tagging) and bigrams. SVM returned the best results (82.9% accuracy), using unigrams with binary weighting indicating the presence or absence of a feature. Yi et al. (2003) proposed a method of sentiment analysis using natural language-processing techniques to extract positive and negative sentiments for specific subjects from a document, instead of classifying the whole document into positive or negative. They used semantic analysis with a syntactic parser and sentiment lexicon. The prototype system achieved good results for web pages and news articles. Another work by Pang and Lee (2004) proposed a machine-learning method by applying text-categorization techniques to the subjective portions of the document only. They examined the relation between subjectivity detection and polarity classification, showing that subjectivity detection can compress reviews into much shorter extracts that still retain polarity information at a level comparable to that of the full review. They argued that utilizing contextual information via the minimum-cut framework could lead to statistically significant improvement in polarity-classification accuracy.
Some researchers have worked on sentiment summarization of multiple documents. Hu and Liu (2004) mined and summarized the customer reviews of electronic products, such as digital camera, cellular phone, and MP3 player. They extracted the features or aspects (such as picture quality and screen size) of the product on which the customers have expressed their opinions, and predicted whether each opinion sentence is positive or negative. Zhuang, Jing, and Zhu (2006) proposed a method for opinion mining and summarization of movie reviews. The method found mainly feature-opinion pairs from text reviews. For example, in the sentence “The sound effects are excellent,” the feature term is sound effects and the opinion word is excellent. Some of the feature classes for summarization include overall, screenplay, producer, director, screenwriter, and actor and actress. The goal of this approach was to find feature-opinion pairs and to identify their polarity and the feature classes of the opinions in order to produce a structured sentence list as the summary. Blair-Goldensohn et al. (2008) presented a system that summarizes the sentiment of reviews for a local service such as a restaurant, department store, or hotel. The set of service reviews returned with a local service result on Google Maps were used as input data. The system extracted relevant aspects of a service, such as service, ambiance, or [End Page 311] value, aggregated the sentiment per aspect, and showed aspect-relevant text with sentiment polarity values (positive or negative). Compared to these methods, our approach uses document-level (or paragraph-level) sentiment classification of multiple aspect sections without a lexicon of sentiment words necessary for sentence-level sentiment classification.
Some researchers have developed classification or clustering tools to categorize web search results to help users locate relevant and useful information on the World Wide Web. For the classification or clustering they generally use the snippets from the search engine to provide reasonable response time to the user. Chen and Dumais (2000) designed a user interface that automatically groups web search results into predefined topical categories such as automotive and local interest, using a machine-learning algorithm, SVM. The method devised by Zeng et al. (2004) provides clustering of web search results and uses salient phrases extracted from the ranked list of documents as cluster names. For instance, with a query input Jaguar, the generated cluster names are Jaguar Cars, Panthera onca, Mac OS, Big Cats, Clubs, and Others. Vivisimo is an example of an operational clustering tool for web search results. These tools, however, focus mainly on topical categorization—categorizing documents by subject or topical area.
In our previous work (Na et al. 2005), a prototype meta search engine providing automatic sentiment classification was developed, and it used both snippets and their full-text documents in the classification. It allows the user to specify a product name and subsequently categorizes the search results by the polarity of the desired reviews: recommended or not recommended. It can help the user to focus on web articles containing either positive or negative comments. For instance, a user who is interested mainly in the negative aspects of a product (e.g., a digital camera) can look at web articles under not recommended review category. Since the prototype is a meta search engine, it is tightly dependent on existing search engines and has less control for managing original documents. Thus we have developed a digital library of our own documents (i.e., movie reviews) to investigate the usefulness of sentiment-based browsing and searching.
Sentiment analysis and classification
We conducted sentiment analysis with a data set of 876 movie review documents—438 positive and 438 negative. The movie review documents [End Page 312] were harvested from the movie review site ReelViews, using a web crawler. The movie reviews have been written by a movie critic, and most of them comprise five to seven paragraphs of text. An average length of the review documents in our data set is thirty sentences and they discuss several aspects of the movie. In general, these sentences contain overall opinion about the movie as well as specific opinions about director, cast, or other aspects. According to Ruppenhofer, Somasundaran, and Wiebe (2008), the identification of sources (opinion holders) and targets (topics or aspects) of opinions is an important sub-task for automatic opinion-analysis systems. Our approach focuses on targets for identifying the various aspects of movie reviews. The metadata of review documents such as rating, movie title, and director and cast names are also extracted by parsing the HTML codes of the review documents.
Sentence tagging
We apply information-extraction techniques to tag sentences in a movie review. The cast and director names of the movie are first annotated, since they are important indicators in determining specific aspects of the movie in current sentences. Co-referencing is used to determine which named entities have the same referent (Bontcheva et al. 2004). For example, it determines whether Jim Carrey and Carrey refer to the same entity. Pronoun or anaphora resolution is also used to address the problem of resolving what a pronoun or a noun phrase refers to in the text. For example, it isused to determine which entity the pronoun he in the sentence “He has been quite disappointing” is referring to. It could be referring to a director or an actor. In this study, a simple approach is used to support pronoun resolution. For instance, if a director name is mentioned in previous sentences, he is tagged with the director name.
A rule-based approach is used for automatic tagging of sentences into different aspect sections: overall, cast, director, storyline, or others. We use our developed sentence-tagging tool in Java, which performs entity annotation by utilizing the extracted metadata, and then sentence tagging, as illustrated in figure 1, which also shows the distribution of automatically tagged sentences in the review texts.
The rules for automatic sentence tagging are shown in figure 2. Each sentence is compared with conditions in the rules, and if there is a match, the corresponding tag is assigned to the sentence. For instance, the rule in lines 3–4 fires if a sentence matches one of the predefined [End Page 313] specific patterns for sentence tagging. The specific patterns are defined for various tags and tend to be domain specific and depend on the reviewer’s writing style. In our movie reviews, the sentence having an actor/actress name in parentheses after a character name represents storyline. For instance, “Katie Burke (Katie Holmes) is bringing to a close a highly satisfactory run at a prestigious college” is tagged as storyline. The rules also use semantic information defined by feature lists, and coreferencing and pronoun resolutions for identifying the same entity, such as a director and an actor/actress.
Overall process for sentence tagging
Rules for automatic sentence tagging
[End Page 314]
Sample entries of feature lists
Table 1 shows sample entries of feature lists, which are used by the rule engine for the conditions in lines 12 and 16. The terms for “This Movie” and “Reviewer-Reader” are prepared manually by scanning through the movie reviews. The terms for “Casting” are prepared automatically using cast and storyline sentences in the training data. Firstly, the mutual information (MI) of n-gram term t is computed through two categories (cast and storyline) as follows:
where Pr(ci) is the percentage of sentences in category ci (either cast or storyline category) over all training sentences, MI(t, ci) is the mutual information between term t and category ci, Pr(t) is the percentage of sentences containing term t over all training sentences, and Pr(t ∧ ci) is the joint probability of term t and category ci both occur. Then n-gram terms with high mutual information (MI) values are collected, and among them the terms appearing more in cast sentences than storyline are selected as “Casting” terms, which are used as indicators to separate cast sentences from storyline sentences. The terms appearing in the storyline sentences usually have low MI values because the storylines cover a variety of topics. The selection of terms could be more refined by using more training data and adjusting the threshold level (i.e., cut-off point for MI values) to extract terms. [End Page 315]
Inter-coder agreement between two coders
To verify accuracy of the automatic tagging, two manual coders are asked to read the automatically tagged sentences in cast and director sections, and highlight sentences that are wrongly tagged as cast or director. The manual and automatic sentence tagging have about 90% agreement, and thus automatically tagged sentences are used for the experiments.
The two coders also manually classify cast and director sections in each movie review into one of the following sentiment classes: positive, negative, neutral, or not applicable. The not applicable class indicates that the current section is not related to the cast or director aspect at all. Table 2 shows inter-coder agreements between two coders. The numbers in bold indicate agreement between two coders, and the other numbers indicate disagreement.
We use Cohen’s kappa coefficient in order to measure agreement between the two independent coders. The equation for Cohen’s kappa (CK) is:
[End Page 316]
where overall total is the total number of sections in the cast and director sections, m is the number of rows or columns (i.e., 4, the number of target categories),
is the total number of agreements by summing the values in the diagonal cells of the table, and
is the sum of the expected frequencies of agreement by chance.
In our experiment, the percentage of agreement (total number of agreements / overall total) is 0.83, and the inter-coder agreement using Cohen’s kappa coefficient is 0.74, which is considered as a good agreement (Byrt 1996). The conflicting labels by the two coders were reviewed and reclassified by one of the authors, and these manually classified sentiment labels for cast and director sections were used as answer keys for a supervised machine-learning approach, which will be discussed in next subsections.
Overall sentiment
The star ratings given by the reviewer are used as overall sentiment orientation for the movies. The reviews are rated with a scale of five stars. Those with two stars and fewer are considered negative reviews, while those with three stars and more are considered positive reviews.
For the experiment, a Support Vector Machine SVM (Joachims 1998) is used as a supervised machine-learning algorithm. Each review text is converted into a bag of words (called a document vector), which are stemmed using Porter’s stemming algorithm (Jones and Willet 1997) after removing ineffective stop words. For handling the negation of sentiment/subjective words, n-gram terms are used in addition to a bag of words in the document vector. Our approach uses a list of negation phrases, and these phrases are matched with the review text to negate associated words. A simple example is the sentence “This movie is not bad.” As we can see, the sentiment word bad is negated. Thus, our approach uses the negation term not bad, instead of using two separate words, not and bad. The negation list includes not only single words such as not, never, and no, but also phrases such as do not think so, never think, and so on. In another example sentence “I do not think this is a good movie,” the phrase do not think negates the adjective good, and thus the negation term not good is used. [End Page 317]
Accuracy of sentiment classifications for Overall aspect
According to automatic sentence tagging, about 27% of sentences from the review texts are tagged as overall and they are used for predicting overall sentiment orientations of the movie reviews. We conduct a three-fold cross-validation for this experiment. Although the method uses only 27% of the original review texts, it can predict overall sentiment orientations of the movie reviews with relatively high accuracy.
Table 3 shows the results of our experiments. The first column ID indicates an identifier for a unique feature combination, and the remaining columns represent document feature options for the experiment: using presence or frequency for term weighting, adjective terms only from the full texts, word stemming, handling of negation terms, and removal of stop words. We experimented with all combinations of document feature options, and only the accuracy of promising combinations of document feature options is reported in the paper.
As shown in table 3, when stemmed and negation terms are used, it improves the accuracy and F-score of overall sentiment classification (IDs 5 and 6 in table 3). It is also observed that using a standard list of [End Page 318] stop words for feature reduction is not ideal, since some words such as pronouns, prepositions, and subjective words carry useful meanings for sentiment classification. In fact, the accuracy of sentiment classification drops noticeably when the standard list of stop words is used. As discussed, our approach uses pronoun resolution to identify discussing the director and cast. Thus pronouns are useful information and they cannot be discarded. Words like better, best, and unfortunately are obviously subjective words that are useful for sentiment analysis. Thus, they should not be included in the list of stop words. Some prepositions such as above and below can also carry sentiments. For example, the word above in the sentence “This is well above my expectation” is useful information, and if it is replaced by below, the sentiment orientation would be completely reversed. Therefore, we remove some useful terms for sentiment classification from the standard list of stop words for our experiments (ID 6 in table 3). We also notice that using frequency as term weighting or adjective terms only as features reduces accuracy by a few percentages (IDs 2 and 3 in table 3).
Sentiment toward director
The manually tagged sentiment labels are used as answer keys for Director sections in the movie reviews. The experiment shows that sentiment orientation toward the director can be different from overall sentiment orientation toward the movie. A sentiment toward the director could be positive or neutral while overall sentiment toward the movie is clearly negative.
For example, the movie Bad Girls is rated half a star out of five stars, but the review contains positive sentiment about the director, as it says, “At least director Jonathan Kaplan had the good sense to employ a competent cinematographer.” In some reviews, a rating value shows positive sentiment toward the movie overall, but sentiment toward the movie director is clearly negative or neutral.
We conduct a threefold cross-validation, and the results show accuracy of up to 75.54% (see ID 6 in table 4). Like the overall sentiment classification, using customized stop words for feature reduction and using stemmed and negation terms as features improves the accuracy of sentiment classification toward the director, but not when using frequency as term-weighting and only adjective terms as features. [End Page 319]
Accuracy of sentiment classifications for Director aspect
Sentiment toward cast
Similarly we use the manually tagged sentiment labels as answer keys for Cast sections in the movie reviews. According to automatic sentence tagging, only 15% of sentences from the review texts are about cast, and they are used for predicting sentiment orientation toward the cast in each movie review. We conduct a threefold cross-validation, and results show accuracy of up to 78.74% (see ID 6 in table 5). Again the accuracy of sentiment classification toward cast is improved when using customized stop words for feature reduction and using stemmed and negation terms as features. In some cases, a Cast sentence can contain additional sentiment orientations toward different aspects, such as overall opinion about the movie. For example, the sentence “Actress Julie Delpy is far too good for this movie” carries positive sentiment toward the cast while there is some negativity toward the movie.
Error analysis
We analyse the errors encountered in both our automatic sentence tagging and sentiment classifications. There are about 10% errors in the [End Page 320] automatic tagging of Director and Cast sentences and about 10–25% errors in the sentiment classifications for Overall, Director, and Cast sections with the best features combination option (ID 6 in tables 3, 4, and 5).
Accuracy of sentiment classifications for Cast aspect
The following is an example sentence tagged incorrectly as a Director sentence by our automatic tagging tool. The sentence does mention the director name, Peter Howitt, but it is obviously discussing a member of the cast.
Meanwhile, Douglas McFerran, who gave a brilliant supporting performance in Peter Howitt’s Sliding Doors, plays the tough head of NURV security.
The following is an example sentence about the director that is classified incorrectly as a negative sentiment by the machine-learning approach. The words worst and pedestrian nature may appear negative but they represent positive meaning with contextual words. For instance, the word justice changes the sentiment orientation of pedestrian nature to [End Page 321] positive. This is one of the limitations of the machine-learning approach, which uses just bags of words and simple negation terms. Deeper linguistic analysis in addition to the bag-of-words approach will be helpful in addressing such problems.
Todd Graff ’s script is television-quality writing at its worst, and the direction by Ken Kwapis, who made the better Dunston Checks In, does justice to the screenplay’s pedestrian nature.
In the following example sentence, there is a mixture of positive and negative sentiments about two actors: Tony Danza and Joseph Gordon- Levitt. This can be a difficult case not only for the machine-learning approach but also for human coders to decide whether it is positive, negative, or neutral toward the cast.
Suffice it to say that Tony Danza gives one of the most impressive performances, and young Joseph Gordon-Levitt has serious credibility problems.
As observed, some of the cases encountered are rather complex for the automatic approaches to tag or classify them with high accuracy, unless more advanced natural-language processing techniques are employed.
A sentiment-based movie-review digital library
Using the results of the sentiment analysis and classification discussed in the previous section, a prototype movie-review digital library is developed to support sentiment-based browsing and searching of movie, director, and cast digital objects. After the development of the digital library, we evaluate the effectiveness of the user interface in helping the user to find information of interest. The following subsections discuss details of the developed digital library and its user evaluation results.
System design
The high-level architectural design of the movie-review digital library is shown in figure 3, where the digital library consists of two main modules: a front-end web application and a back-end repository. We use Fedora (the Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture) 3.0 as repository software, and J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise [End Page 322] Edition) to build the web application that serves as the front-end. Fedora is open-source digital repository software (Staples, Wayland, and Payette 2003), capable of serving as a digital content repository for a wide variety of uses, such as digital libraries, institutional repositories, digital archives, and content-management systems. It can store digital content items such as documents, videos, data sets, computer files, and images, and can also store metadata about the content items in various formats. In our digital library, the back-end Fedora repository is fed with the movie review data.
High-level architecture of movie-review digital library A Sentiment-Based Digital Library of Movie Review Documents 323
The front-end web application is developed using J2EE 5 technology and calls the web services provided by Fedora for accessing and managing digital objects stored in Fedora. The calling process is using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)–based and RESTful type of call. As shown in figure 3, upon receiving a request from the user, the web application calls the web services. Fedora then returns data from its repository to the web application, which will process the data and show them in an appropriate way to the user.
Fedora digital objects can be related to other Fedora objects in many ways. For example, there may be a Fedora object that is considered a part of another object, a derivation of another object, a description of [End Page 323] another object, or even equivalent to another object. The movie review data stored in Fedora make use of the object relationship capability in Fedora. We have three main types of digital objects in the system: Movie, Director, and Cast types. The digital objects relationship is depicted in figure 4. For instance, a digital object of Movie type has exactly one director and at least one cast.
Relationships of movie’s digital objects
An object in Fedora stores its digital resources and metadata in data streams. These digital resources can be text, image, video, or audio, while the metadata include relevant attributes that describe an object, such as title, date of publication, author, and so on. Fedora supports Dublin Core metadata (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) for describing an object. Fedora, in fact, creates a Dublin Core data stream by default upon creation of an object. Hence, we use the Dublin Core to store some metadata related to Movie, Director, and Cast objects.
Dublin Core metadata provide only placeholders for storing basic metadata of an object. Thus, we need to create another data stream to store other types of information, especially an object’s digital resources and sentiment data. The Info data stream is created to store movie review text, rating, and sentiment data. Since the data stream is implemented as Extensible Markup Language (XML) in Fedora, these data are stored as text within XML tags.
Object relationships in Fedora are asserted from the perspective of one object to another object, as in the following general pattern:
<SourceObject> — <RelationshipProperty> — <TargetObject>
Object-to-object relationship is stored using a special data stream in a digital object. This data stream is known by the reserved data-stream identifier of RELS-EXT (which stands for Relationships-External). Each digital object can have one RELS-EXT data stream that is used exclusively [End Page 324] for asserting digital object relationships. In our digital library, the RELS-EXT data stream is used to specify the relationship between Movie and Director and that between Movie and Cast object. In the RELS-EXT data stream of Movie object, the digital object identifier of Director or Cast is specified.
Object relationships in RELS-EXT data stream
Data-stream usage by each object type
Object relationships operate in one direction only, so we need to specify the relation of movie to director, director to movie, movie to cast, and cast to movie. This two-way referencing enables movies to be traced from the Director or Cast objects. This will be helpful, for example, when we need to search the list of movies directed by a certain director, or movies in which a particular cast member plays. In the RELS-EXT data stream of director and cast, we also specify the digital object identifier of Movie object directed by, or played in, the director and cast respectively. The object relationships in our digital library are specified in table 6.
In the digital library, we also store images of movie, director, and cast. These images are stored in the data stream named Image of type “externally referenced content.” In the Image data stream of a digital object, Fedora does not store the actual content, but rather a reference to an external content source or Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Table 7 shows the data streams used by each object type. [End Page 325]
Main page
Main and movie pages
The main page of the digital library is shown in figure 5. The search functionality is located in the top right corner. Users can also select which information is to be retrieved: Movie, Director, Cast, or All. Users can specify this option by selecting the radio button, located just above the Search Box. Below global navigation links, the lists of movies, directors, and cast are displayed in descending order of their review ratings [End Page 326] so that users can see the best movies, directors, and actors/actresses. Users can click on a particular Movie, Director, or Cast link to be directed to the Movie, Director, or Cast page respectively for more detailed information.
Movie page—Full Review
The Movie page is displayed upon selecting one of the movies from the main page (figure 6). Five tabs display different kinds of information in the Movie page: Full Review, Overall, Director, Cast, and Others. The Overall tab contains only overall opinions about the movie, the Director tab contains the director information, the Cast tab contains the cast information, and the Others tab contains any additional information that does not fit under the Movie, Director, or Cast category such as storyline. [End Page 327]
Movie page—Director
The full review is still available, so users can still choose to have all information displayed in a single page. Experienced users usually prefer to have all information displayed in one page, while novice users prefer to have the information segregated so that they will not experience information overload. By offering the Full Review tab, we can incorporate both novice and expert. Under the Full Review tab, the review is placed under its corresponding field set. For example, full review in the Full Review field set, overall review against movie in the Overall field set, and review against director in the Director field set.
A progress bar with colour code illustrates the score of the movie. When the score is low, the progress bar has only partially filled, and the colour is set to red to indicate the movie has a bad review. In contrast, if the movie is good, the progress bar shows nearly a full gauge, and the colour is green. When the quality of the movie is mediocre, the colour is amber.
Figure 7 shows the Director page when the user clicks the Director tab. The page displays the name of the director and its link to the Director page, the score of the movie in the progress bar, and sentiment toward [End Page 328] the director using a “thumb” icon to the right of the director image (a legend explains this icon in figure 8). The review of the director is displayed under the director image, inside a field set.
Searching movie reviews
Most digital libraries provide a search interface to easily locate digital objects stored in the digital library. In our digital library, sentiment-based search supports two different types of search: basic and advanced. In the basic search, the user can search title or name in three types of digital objects: Movie, Director, or Cast. Figure 8 shows a search result page that displays lists of movies based on the movie title query entered by the user (here, “Blue”).
A tab interface separates movies by sentiment values—positive, neutral, and negative—to assist users in viewing their sentiment of interest. For each item in the search results, a snippet of the movie is displayed. The data include:
• Truncated movie review. If users want to see full data, they can click the “[more details on this movie]” link.
• Director name and sentiment toward the director in this movie.
• Cast names and sentiment toward the cast in this movie.
The tabs give access to four sections: All, Positive, Neutral, and Negative. The All tab displays all search results clustered under positive, neutral, and negative categories. The Positive, Neutral, or Negative tab displays only reviews categorized under positive, neutral, or negative sentiment respectively.
The advanced search interface gives users more options in a sentimentbased search of movies. Similar to results in the basic search, the search result page displays sentiment-categorized search results. The advanced search input page is accessible by clicking the “Advanced Search” button in global navigation links. Figure 9 shows the advanced search interface.
The Advanced Search input page contains input controls for “Sentiment Movie,” “Sentiment Cast,” and “Sentiment Director,” which allow users to specify the sentiment of movie, cast, or director to be searched. By default, each sentiment is set to the “All” value, which includes all sentiments [End Page 329] (positive, neutral, and negative). This advanced search interface enables sentiment-based searching such as:
Search movie result page
• Searching for movies with a movie title and a certain sentiment value for the movie: for example, if users want to find good movies that contain the word love in the title, they can type the word in the movie title textbox, then under “Sentiment Movie” they can select the dropdown value of “positive.” [End Page 330]
• Searching for movies with a director or cast name and a certain sentiment value of the director or cast: for example, if users may want to find movies successfully directed by “Richard Linklater,” they can fill in the director name text box, then under “Sentiment Director” they can select the dropdown value of “positive.”
Advanced search interface
Browsing movie reviews
Sentiment-based browsing allows users to browse movies, directors, and actors/actresses alphabetically. During browsing, the system displays sentiment-categorized browse results, so users can browse objects in a particular sentiment category only. To maintain viewing consistency of movie objects, we synchronized the look and feel of the movie listing view in both searching and browsing. Figure 10 shows the user interface for director browsing.
The clickable alphabet list in figure 10 allows users to jump to a set of directors whose names begin with a selected letter. The last option, “List All,” allows users to list all directors. Browse results are displayed in a tabbed panel, and the results are divided into four sentiment tabs: All (i.e. List of Directors), Positive, Neutral, and Negative. This helps [End Page 331] users focus on the sentiment in which they are interested. Each tab also tallies the number of items it contains, so users easily can see which category has the most or least items.
Browse Director page
Each item in the browse result for director or cast consists of director or actor/actress name, the number of movies in which this director or actor/actress is rated positive, neutral, and negative, and the colour-coded computed score of the corresponding director or actor/actress. The director or actor/actress name is also embedded with hyperlinks to the director or cast pages.
To calculate the sentiment score for a director, the digital library system finds all movies directed by the director, then checks how the director’s sentiment is classified for each one. A weight is assigned on the basis of the sentiment value. If the sentiment is positive, a weight of 1 is added, if sentiment is neutral, a weight of 0.5 is added, while negative sentiment earns 0 weight. The accumulated weight is divided by the number of movies directed to obtain the score that reflects the director’s overall performance. [End Page 332] The score is then normalized by multiplying by 10 (to get a value between 0 and 10). The score formula is given as follows:
If the scores of two directors are equal, the number of movies will be compared. The director who has directed more positive movies is deemed better than the one who has directed fewer positive movies. On the other hand, a director who has directed more negative movies is deemed to be worse than the one who has directed fewer negative movies. This formula is used similarly when computing the score of the cast. Alternatively, the scores of movies are also available by the expert reviewer and hence no computation is required.
User interface evaluation
A small heuristic usability evaluation was conducted with seven users to assess the effectiveness of the sentiment-based interface design in helping users find relevant movie objects. Users were introduced to the basic concepts and terms used in the digital library, such as movie reviews and sentiment orientations toward various aspects. Then they were asked to do the following:
• Warm up for one or two minutes, to try the look and feel of the digital library.
• Browse the movie page directly from the main page and then assess whether they understand the movie page contents.
• Search one good movie and one bad movie.
• Search a particular actor page using an actor name.
• Search directors who are rated mostly as good in the movies they have directed (directors who have high sentiment scores).
While users were performing these actions, we observed their understanding of the digital library. We asked what the icons and the progress bar represent, and whether users became aware of the Card Stack (tabs). We also asked them to use the basic and advanced search functions. Then we asked users to fill in a three-part questionnaire that evaluated [End Page 333] functionality, system performance, and user interface (aesthetics). This evaluation also included open-ended questions to explore which aspects of our digital library they considered good or bad, and also improvements that could be made.
Functionality evaluation for directors
Specifically, functionality measures the usefulness of the sentiment-based browsing and searching features. We divide functionality into Movie, Director, and Cast. As an example, the results of functionality evaluation for directors are shown in figure 11.
Functionality evaluation results: Easiness to search/find relevant movie objects with a desired sentiment
In the functionality evaluation results, 90.5% of the users strongly agree or agree that the sentiment-based browsing and searching features in our digital library help users find relevant movie objects (movie, director, and cast) with a desired sentiment (see table 8). Overall, our sentiment-based digital library gained users’ interest. However, users also highlighted problematic aspects of our digital library. For instance, one user suggested [End Page 334] that the search could be improved by allowing users to search and browse by movie genre as well as by sentiment.
Discussion and conclusion
Sentiment analysis of a review document should consider several perspectives when there are multiple sentiments toward different aspects of the entity under review. Our proposed method segments a review text into several sections based on its target aspects before applying the supervised machine-learning approach for sentiment classification. Our experimental results show that using customized stop words for feature reduction and using stemmed and negation terms as features improves the accuracy of sentiment classification, but not when using frequency as term weighting or only adjective terms are used as features. The best accuracy of the sentiment classification for overall movie, director, and cast is 90.48%, 75.54%, and 78.74% respectively.
One limitation of our study is that it is conducted with movie review documents harvested from only one movie review site and it seems to be relatively domain specific. More evaluations and experiments are to be carried out with larger data sets, a wider range of reviewers, and different domains. Our sentiment analysis approach might also be appropriate where thorough research is needed to make a more sustentative decision, such as a stock investment. Another limitation is that we do not employ advanced information-extraction techniques, which could produce higher accuracy in sentence tagging. For future work, advanced information extraction tools, such as General Architecture for Text Engineering: A Nearly New Information Extraction System (GATE-ANNIE) (Cunningham et al. 2002), are to be employed to analyse multiple perspectives of the movie reviews using in-depth syntactic and semantic information-extraction patterns.
In this study we also developed a prototype sentiment-based digital library using the results of the sentiment analysis and classification of the movie reviews. To measure the effectiveness of the digital library, we performed a user-interface evaluation with seven users. The result indicates that most users agree that the sentiment-based browsing and searching features are useful to find relevant movie objects with a desired sentiment. According to Nielsen and Molich (1990), to conduct heuristic evaluation, the most favourable number of evaluators is five, and at least [End Page 335] three. They argue that the ratio of benefits to costs decrease after reaching ten evaluators, and no significant usability problems are found by adding additional evaluators. Even so, for future work, a further user evaluation with a larger sample size of evaluators could give us more representative feedback on the usability of the sentiment-based searching and browsing interface. Another possible area of improvement is to add a social computing aspect to the digital library by allowing users to contribute comments and reviews, and then have the digital library perform sentiment value computation based on community inputs. It will allow users to have the option of viewing opinions of domain experts as well as the community.
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