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PERIODICAL LITERATURE GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Los errores históricos de la Iglesia en el contexto del debate apologético: El arrepentimiento eclesial. Lluís Oviedo, O.F.M. Antonianum, LXXTV (Oct.Dec , 1999), 627-659. The Office ofDeacon: A Historical Summary. Charles Yrigoyenjr. Review , 19 (Winter, 1999-2000), 327-342. Der Fleischverzicht im Christentum: Ein Mittel zur Therapie der Leidenschaften und zur Aktualisierung des paradiesischen Urzustandes. Hubertus Lutterb &ch. Saeculum, 50 (2, 1999), 177-209. El convento de El Palancar (Cáceres) en la descalcez franciscana. Hipólito Ámez Prieto, O.F.M.Archivo Ibero-Americano, LLX (May-Aug., 1999), 229-265. Santa María la Antigua, el convento alcantarino de Mérida. Antonio Arévalo Sánchez, O.ÎM.Archivo Ibero-Americano, LLX (May-Aug., 1999), 267-279. The Ministry of Deacons in Methodism from Wesley to Today (1998). Kenneth E. Rowe. Quarterly Review, 19 (Winter, 1999-2000), 343-356. The Aguinaldo Masses: Origins, Setbacks and Survival. Fidel Villarroel, O.R Philippiniana Sacra, XXXFV (Sept.-Dec, 1999), 487-509. The Catholic Church and Communism, 1789-1989. Jonathan Luxmoore and Jolanta Babiuch. Religion, State and Society, 27 (Sept.-Dec. 1999), 301313 . Il tema dei laici dagli anni trenta al concilio Vaticano II: Rassegna delle fonti e dei percorsi (1930-1965). M. T. Fattori. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XX (June, 1999), 327-381. Encountering the American Synod. Paul D. Minihan. Theological Studies, 60 (Dec, 1999), 597-624. Nicht nur Archivare: Eberhard Mossmaier (1904-93) und Konradin Roth (1919-94). Leonhard Lehmann, O.F.M.Cap. Collectanea Franciscana, 69 (3-4,1999X653-712. 378 PERIODICAL UTERATURE379 ANCIENT Monarchianismus im 2. Jahrhundert. Hermann J. Vogt. Theologische Quartalschrift , 179 (4, 1999), 237-259. Die römischen Christenverfolgungen. Gründe und Hintergründe. Dieter Flach. Historia,XLYlll (4, 1999), 442-464. Annotazioni sulle origini del Cristianesimo in Sicilia. Ilaria L. E. Ramelli. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, LIII (Jan.-June, 1999), 1-15. The Decree of Decius and the Religion of Empire.J.B. Hivesjournal ofRoman Studies, LXXXIX (1999), 135-154. Monks, Middle Egypt, and Metanoia: The Life ofPhib by Papohe the Steward (Translation and Introduction). Tim Vivian. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 7, (Winter, 1999), 547-571. L'Église de Chypre entre Constantinopel et Antioche (rvème-Vèmcsiècle). Charalambos Petinos.Byzantininisbe Forschungen, XXV (1999), 131-141. The Dates of the First Siege of Nisibis and the Death ofJames of Nisibis. R. W Burgess. Byzantion, LXLX (1, 1999), 7-17. Constantius IL und das Heidentum. Hartmut Leppin.Athenaeum, 87 (2, 1999), 457-480. Albine. La conversion d'une aristocrate romaine au sanctum propositum. Patrick Laurence. Cristianesimo nella storia,XK (June, 1999), 257-274. "Let Us Go and Burn Her Body": The Image of the Jews in the Early Dormition Traditions. Stephen J. Shoemaker. Church History, 68 (Dec, 1999), 775-823. The Epigram in the Church of Hagios Polyeuktos in Constantinople and its Byzantine Response. Carolyn Connor. Byzantion, LXLX (2, 1999), 479-527. Nuove osservazioni sulle fasi costruttive della c.d. basilica cristiana di Ostia Antica . Annalisa Gobbi. Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, LXXIV (2, 1998), 455-484. Peregrinatio pro Christo: Pilgrimage in the Irish Tradition. Michael Mäher, M.S.C.Milltown Studies, 43 (Summer, 1999), 5-39. Iwi of Wilton, A Forgotten Saint. William Smith. Analecta Bollandiana, 117 (3-4, 1999), 297-318. Grundlinien einer Geschichte des benediktinischen Habits. Pius Engelbert, O.S.B. Studia Monástica, 41 (2, 1999), 277-302. Regine, badesse, santé: il contributo della donna anglosassone all'evangelizzazione (secc.VII e VIII). Lorendana Lazz&ri. Studi Medievali, XXXLX (Dec, 1998), 601 -632. 380periodical literature Finding the Forger: An Alleged Decree of the 679 Council ofHatfield. Catherine Cubitt. English Historical Review, CXFV (Nov., 1999), 1217-1248. La Foundation du Mont-Saint-Michel d'après la Revelado ecclesiae sancti Michaelis. Nicholas Simonnet.^4«««/es de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest, 106(4,1999X7-23. La tradition manuscrite de la Vita Waldetrudis (BHL 8776-8777): les mécanismes de propagation d'un récit hagiographique régional (IXe-XV s.). François De Vriendt.^lwafeci« Bollandiana, 1 17 (3-4, 1999) 319-368. Monasteri aristocratici subalpini: fondazioni funzionariali e signorili, modelli di protezione e di sfruttamento (secoli X-XII) (parte seconda...

