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PERIODICAL LITERATURE GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS The Significance of the Pope's Proposed Apologies for Errors by the Church. Bruce Duncan.Australasian Catholic Record, LXXVI (Oct., 1999), 462-479. AJourney to the Interior: The Monasteries of Saint Antony and Saint Paul by the Red Sea. Tim Vivian. American Benedictine Review, 50 (Sept., 1999), 277-310. God's Disputed Acre. David Dymond. fournal of Ecclesiastical History, 50 (July 1999), 464-497. Die Inquisition als Chiffre für das Böse in der Kirche. Victor Conzemius. Stimmen derzeit, 217 (Oct., 1999), 651-668. A familia Franciscana na Madeira (no passado e no presente). Henrique Pinto Rema. Itinerarium, XLV (May-Aug., 1999), 283-309. "It Is Better to Marry Than to Burn": Anglo-American Attitudes toward Celibacy, 1600-1800. Eric R. Seeman.fournal of Family History, 24 (Oct., 1999), 397-419. La contribution des Ballerini à la connaissance des conciles africains (a. 345-525). Charles Munier. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 30 (1/2, 1990), 31 1-327. Von der Handschrift zum Druck: Die Aktern des Nicaenum Il in der Editio Romana von 1612. Erich Lamberz. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 30 (1/2, 1998), 328-370. Die Quellen des Konstanzer Konzils in den Sammlungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Ansgar Frenken. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 30 (1/2, 1998), 416-439. Die Collectio canonum ecclesiae hispanae des Francisco Antonio González von 1808. Die Vorgeschichte der Sammlung. Domingo Ramos-Lissón. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 30 (1/2, 1998), 440-455. Erler, Finke, Schmitz-Kallenberg, Vincke. Materialsammlungen zum Pisaner Konzil von 1409. Dieter Girgensohn..4««««nww Historiae Conciliorum, 30 (1/2, 1998), 456-519. Catálogo del Archivo Histórico de la Catedral de Burgos. Matías Vicario Santamar ía. Burgense, 40 (1, 1999), 307-31 7. 162 PERIODICAL uterature ANCIENT 163 Christian Grave-Inscriptions from the Familia Caesaris. Paul McKechnie./owrnal ofEcclesiastical History, 50 (July, 1999), 427-441. Prophet, Zeuge, and Märtyrer. Zur Entstehung des Märtyrerbegriffs im frühesten Christentum.Anna Maria Schwemer. Zeitschriftfür Theologie und Kirche, 96 (Sept., 1999), 320-350. "Mary Needs Martha": The Purposes of Manual Labor in Early Egyptian Monasticism . Charles A. Metteer. St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 43 (2, 1999), 163-207. Paul of Tamma and the Monastic Priesthood. L. S. B. Maccoull. Vigiliae Christianae , LIII (Aug., 1999), 316-320. Constantinopolitan Women in Chrysostom's Circle. Wendy Mayer. Vigiliae Christianae, UII (Aug., 1999), 265-288. El hispano Teodosio y la cristianización del Imperio. Florencio Hubeñak. Híspanla Sacra, LI (Jan.-June, 1999), 5-42. Building a New City: The Cappadocian Fathers and the Rhetoric of Philanthropy . Brian E. Daley, SJ. fournal of Early Christian Studies, 7 (Fall, 1999X431-461. Proof and Reproof: The Judicial Component of Episcopal Confrontation. Kevin Vhalde. Early Medieval Europe, 8 (1, 1999), 1-11. La Vita Sancti Exuperantii. Aspetti agiografici, storici, filologici (seguito). Gianluca Orsola. Salesianum, LXI (Apr.-June, 1999), 257-278. MEDIEVAL El vino en los Concilios Hispanovisigodos: su contexto socioeconómico y cultural . Henar Gallego Vranco. Hispania Sacra,U (Jan.-June, 1999), 43-53. The Angelic Salutation in Early Byzantine and Medieval Annunciation Imagery. Ann Van Dijk. Art Bulletin, LXXXI (Sept. 1999), 420-436. Shapes of Early Sculptured Crosses of Ireland. Robert D. Stevick. Gesta,XXXVIII (1,1999X3-21. The Pulpit of Sant'Ambrogio at Milan. Anat Tcherikover. Gesta, XXXVIII (1, 1999)35-66. Some Churches of the Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Southern Germany: A Review of the Evidence. David Parsons. Early Medieval Europe, 8 (1, 1999), 31-67. El relato del traslado de los santos mártires Jorge, Aurelio y Natalia: un valioso escrito hagiográfico y documental histórico de mediados de siglo LX.Juan Carlos Lara Olmo. Hispania Sacra, LI (Jan.-June, 1999), 55-89. 164periodical literature Monjes y profecías cristianas próximo-orientales en Al-Andalus del siglo IX. Luis A. García Moreno. Hispania Sacra, LI (Jan.-June, 1999X91-100. The Development of the Peace of God in Aquitaine (970-1005). Thomas Head. Speculum,74 (July, 1999), 656-686. Councils, Memory and Mills: The Early Development of the Peace of God in Catalonia. Jeffery A.Bowman. Early Medieval Europe, 8 (1, 1999X99-129. Bischof Friedrich und Thangbrand. Sächsische Glaubensboten im Hohen Norden . Ekkehard Eickhoff HistorischesJahrbuch, 119...

