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PERIODICAL LITERATURE GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Cristianesimo nestoriano in Asia Centrale nel primo millennio: testimonianze archeologiche. Maria Adelaide LaIa Comneno. Orientalia Christiana PeriodicaM (2, 1995), 495-535. Mahomet, la Vierge et la frontière. Marlene Albert-Llorca and Jean-Pierre Albert. Annales, 50 (July-Aug., 1995), 855-886. Die Konzilskongregation. Ein Einblick in ihr Archiv, ihre Verfahrensweise und die Bedeutung ihrer Entscheidungen von ihrer Errichtung bis zur Kurienreform Pius X. (1563-1908). Richard Puza. Römische Quartalschrift, 90 (1-2, 1995), 23-42 Le communisme: un échec annoncé par un pape. Christian Weissmuller. Nouvelle Revue Théologique, 117 (Nov.-Dec, 1995), 874-884. Sobre el episcopologio de Plasencia. Francisco González Cuesta. Hispania Sacra, 47 (Jan.-June, 1995), 347-395. La presenza dei Carmelitani in Calabria e il convento di S. Elia di Curinga. Emanuele Boaga, O.Carm. Carmelus,42 (1, 1995), 197-236. Enfermerías y boticas en las casas de la Compañía en Madrid. Siglos XVI-XLX. M. E. Del Río Hijas. Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, LXTV (Jan.-June, 1995), 39-81. How Russians See Us: Jesuit-Russian Relations Then and Now. Constantin Simon. Religion, State & Society, 23 (Dec, 1995), 343-357. Jesuits and Belorussians. Constantin Simon. Diakonia, XXVIII (3, 1995), 187-219. The Core Values ofVincentian Education. Louise Sullivan, D.C. Vincentian Heritage ,XVl (2, 1995), 149-179Caroline Walker Bynum: Historian of Fragments. Kate P Crawford Galea. TorontoJournal ofTheology, 11 (Fall, 1995), 165-177. The Challenges of Contemporary Church History, the Dilemmas of Modern History , and Missiology to the Rescue. Mark A. Noll. Missiology, XXIV (Jan., 1996), 47-64. 349 350 PERIODICAL LITERATURE ANCIENT Auctoritas ed eresia nel cristianesimo antico. Giovanni Filoramo. Humanitas, L (Aug., 1995), 535-546. Human Sacrifice among Pagans and Christians.J. Rives.Journal ofRoman Studies , LXXXV (1995), 65-85. Statistics and the Conversion ofthe Roman Aristocracy. T. D. Barnes.Journal of Roman Studies, LXXXV (1995), 135-147. De la datation des églises de Cappadoce. Nicole Thierry. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 88 (2, 1995), 419-455. L'image et sa fonction dans la mosaïque byzantine des premières basiliques en Orient. L'iconographie chrétienne expliquée par Cyrille de Jérusalem (314-387). Marek-Titien Olszewski. Cahiers Archéologiques, 43 (1995), 9-34. Pagan Rebellion and Christian Apologetics in Fourth-Century Rome: The Consultationes Zacchaei etApollonii. M. A. Claussen./owrra«/ ofEcclesiastical History, 46 (Oct., 1995), 589-614. Ambrose's De Officiis and the Intellectual Climate of the Late Fourth Century. IvorJ. Davidson. Vigiliae Christianae, 49 (Nov., 1995), 313-333· Symbolism and Purpose in an Early Christian Martyr ChapeLThe Case of SanVittore in Ciel d'Oro,Milan. Gillian Mackie. Gesto.XXXIV (2, 1995),91-101. Paulinus the Impenitent:A Study of the Eucharisticos. N. B. McLynn./owrra«/ of Early Christian Studies, 3 (Winter, 1995), 461-486. La catechesi monástica nell'area bizantina (secoli V-VIII). Luigi La Rosa. Itinerarium , 2 (3, 1994), 1 1-32. Saint-Benoît et l'Italie du VIe siècle. André Borias. Collectanea Cisterciensia, 57 (4, 1995), 280-307. Une image historique et nuancée de l'hérésie: Facundus d'Hermaine. Anne Fraisse. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, XCVI (July-Sept., 1995), 185-197. MEDIEVAL Women Confessors in the Middle Ages? Kate Dooley. Louvain Studies, 20 (Summer-Fall, 1995), 271-281. Odin oder Christus? Loyalitäts- und Orientierungskonflikte in der frühmittelalterlichen Christianisierungsepoche. Lutz E. v. Padberg. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte , 77 (2, 1995), 249-278. Vie et Vita de sainte Ségolène, abbesse du Troclar auVIP siècle. Isabelle Real. Le Moyen-Age, CI (3-4, 1995), 385-406. St Theodore of Canterbury, the Canterbury School and the Christian East. Sebastian Brock. HeytbropJournal,XXXVl (Oct., 1995), 431-438. PERIODICAL LITERATURE 351 Bede—The Miraculous and Episcopal Authority in Early Anglo-Saxon England. Simon Coates. Downside Review, 113 OuIy, 1995), 219-232. Jannes andjambres in the Vita Stephani iunioris (BHG 1666). Appendix: The Relics of John of Damascus and the Dating of BHG 885c. Stephen Gero. Analecta Bollandiana, 11$ (3-4, 1995), 281-292. Annat in Scotland and the Origins of the Parish. Thomas Owen Clancy. Innes Review, XlSl (Autumn, 1995), 91-1 15. Theodore of Stoudios, Pope Leo III and the Joseph Affair...

