In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NOTES AND COMMENTS Association News The American Catholic Historical Association was represented by Charles E. Nolan, archivist of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, as its delegate to the installation of Bernard Patrick Knoth, S.J., as the fifteenth president of Loyola University in New Orleans on October 28, 1995. The president of the Association for 1995, Jay P Dolan, appointed last autumn two more members ofthe Association to the Committee on Program for the annual meeting that will be held in NewYork on January 3-5, 1997, namely, Mary Elizabeth Brown of the Center for Migration Studies and Ralph William Franklin of General Theological Seminary. The appointment of the chairman,Jo Ann Kay McNamara, was announced in the October issue of this journal (p. 649). Meetings, Conferences, Programs, and Sessions The theme of the dies academicus of the Accademia di S. Carlo that was held in the Ambrosian Library in Milan on November 10-11, 1995, was "Le visite pastorali di S. Carlo Borromeo." The prolusione was delivered by Pamela Jones on "Federico Borromeo scrittore religioso e mecenate d'arte: il frutto maturo di un umanesimo cristiano." At the first session papers were read by John Bossy on "Visite pastorali, tradizione locale, nuovi modelli";by Bruno Maria Bosatra on "La normativa borromaica sulle visite pastorali: concili, sinodi, istituzioni"; by Angelo Turchini on "Il questionario' borromaico delle visite pastorali"; and by Danila Ghezzi on "L'istituzione dei visitatori regionari: una nuova figura di ojficialis vescovile nel dialogo fra centro e periferia." In the other session briefer papers were read on the impact of the pastoral visits in the different local situations of the diocese; the use of sources, research experiences, and open questions were discussed. A session entitled "Pious Legends and Hagiography in Colonial Latin America "will be part of the annual meeting of the Conference on Latin American History at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 6, 1996. The chairman will be John E Schwaller of the University of Montana, and the presenters will be Ron Morgan of the University of California at Santa Barbara, Stafford Poole, CM., of Los Angeles, and Alejandro Garcia Rivera of the Jesuit School ofTheology, Berkeley. "Crucibles of Conflict: Religious Confrontation and Compromise in Late Me129 130NOTES AND COMMENTS dieval and Early Modern Europe" is the topic of the twenty-sixth annual conference sponsored by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Ohio State University. The conference wUl be held on February 22-24, 1996. Further information may be obtained from the Conference Co-ordinating Committee of the Center at 306 Dulles Hall, 270 West 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. The fifteenth annual conference sponsored by the Center for Medieval Studies of Fordham University will be devoted to "Learning, Literacy, and Gender in the Middle Ages" and will be held at the Lincoln Center Campus on March 29-30, 1996. Inquiries may be addressed to the director ofthe Center, H. Wayne Storey, at Keating Hall, Room 107, Fordham University, Bronx, NewYork 10458. The Center for Renaissance Studies at the Newberry Library will present a program on "Gender and Religion"on May 13-18, 1996. Clarissa Atkinson ofthe Harvard Divinity School will speak on "Sanctity and Sexuality: Reading Gendered Meanings in Medieval Christian Texts," andJanel Mueller ofthe University of Chicago on "Problematics of Gender in Women's Religious Writings of the English Reformation." Requests for further information should be addressed to the Center at 60West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610; telephone: 3 1 2-2553514 . The next conference of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association will be held on June 2-3, 1996, at Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario. Papers dealing with the history of Catholicism or Catholics in Canada will be presented. Proposals for papers or for theme sessions or round tables should be submitted either to the president of the Association, Margaret F. Sanche, at St. Thomas More College, 1437 College Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W6; telephone : 306-966-8914; fax: 306-966-8904; E-maU: sanchemĀ®; or to the president-general,Terence Fay, S.J., Suite 500, 1 0 St. Mary Street,Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1P9; telephone: 416-968-3683; fax: 416-921-1673; E-mail: tfay...

