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BRIEF NOTICES NARRATIVE RESEARCH ON THE HEBREW BIBLE. Semeia 46. By Miri Amihai, George W. Coats, and Anne M. Solomon, eds.; Robert C. Culley, gen. ed. pp. vii + 179. Atlanta: Scholars, 1989. Paper. Diverse essays that grew out of the SBL's Narrative Research Group: Anne M. Solomon, "Story upon Story" (Introduction); Mary Gerhart, "The Restoration of Biblical Narrative"; Naomi Steinberg, "The Genealogical Framework of the Family Stories in Genesis"; Anne M. Solomon, "The Structure of the Chronicler's History: A Key to the Organization of the Pentateuch"; George W. Coats, "The Form-Critical Problem of the Hexateuch"; Antony F. Campbell, "The Reported Story: Midway between Oral Performance and Literary Art"; Thomas B. Dozeman, "Spatial Form in Exod 19:1-8a and in the Larger Sinai Narrative"; Joel Rosenberg, "The Institutional Matrix of Treachery in 2 Samuel 11"; Phyllis Bird, "The Harlot as Heroine: Narrative Art and Social Presupposition in Three Old Testament Texts"; Nelly Furman, "His Story Versus Her Story: Male Geneaology and Female Strategy in the Jacob Cycle"; Esther Fuchs, "The Literary Characterization of Mothers and Sexual Politics in the Hebrew Bible"; and James G. Williams, "Between Reader and Text: A General Response." Three articles have appeared elsewhere. QOHELET AND HIS CONTRADICTIONS. By Michael V. Fox. JSOT Supplement Series 71 and Bible and Literature Series 18. pp. 384. Sheffield: Almond, 1989. Paper. "Four integrated studies of QoheleCs thought and the vocabulary he uses in formulating it. "By interpreting (rather than eliminating) QoheleCs numerous selfcontradictions , by examining anew the thematic terminology, and by formulating systematically the assumptions and conceptions implicit in Qohelet's unsystematic thinking, Fox arrives at a new synthesis of Qohelet's thought and the underlying values that motivate it. These values are shown to be at root affirmative. Beneath and through his negations, Qohelet asserts the value of reason and experience in a world whose rationality he denies and whose experiences he fmds painful. Hebrew Studies 31 (1990) 268 Brief Notices "Fox examines the central issues Qohelet raises: life's meaning (denied by the tenn hebe/); toil and pleasure (how pleasure can be good though it is absurd); wisdom (Qohelet's implicit epistemology and evaluation of wisdom ); and justice (the afftrmation of divine justice alongside the denial of theodicy). "A new commentary, emphasizing Qohelet's rhetorical structures and literary features, provides the philological and literary underpinnings for the philosophical essays" (from the back cover). THE JEWISH LAW ANNUAL. Vol. 8. Bernard S. Jackson, ed. Pp. 299. New York: Harwood Academic, 1989. "Part One carries a selection of papers from the 1986 Conference of The Jewish Law Association, held at Kibbutz Ramat RaI,el" (p. 1): J. Bazak, ''The Meaning of the Tenn 'Justice and Righteousness' (itP~, mEllDC) in the Bible"; B. S. Jackson, "Jewish Law or Jewish Laws"; A. Yuter, "Is Halakhah Really Law?"; H. J. Laks, "Three Proposals Regarding the Relationship of Law and Morality in the Halakhah"; D. Kurzon, "Iconic Syntax in Rabbinical Codes"; S. M. Passamaneck, "Man Proposes Heaven Disposes"; L. Kochan, "Towards a Rabbinic Theory of Idolatry"; B. Lifshitz, "Consideration in Jewish Law-A Reconsideration"; M. Chigier, ''The Doctrine of Res Judicata"; E. Klingenberg, "Judgment and Settlement in Court in Jewish and Comparative Legal History"; J. Jofen, ''The Jewish Law of Usury as Seen in Elizabethan Literature"; and Y. Meron, "Practical Application of the Foundations of Law Act." "The Chronicle which fonns Part Two reports on developments affecting both Jews and Jewish law in the United States, Israel and Europe" (p. 1): M.Edelman, "Varia Americana-(1) Entangling Alliances: The Agunah Problem in the Light of Avitzur v. Avitzur, (2) Goldman v. Weinberger: Yarmulkes, The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion"; G. Aldennan, "Jews and Sunday Trading in Britain: The Private Control of Public Legislation"; G. M. Golding, "Stunning before Slaughter in the EEC"; D. B. Sinclair, "Jewish Law in the State of Israel-(I) Good Faith in Administrative Decisions, (2) Legal Formalism and Individual Justice"; and E. Klingenberg, "Social Legislation in the Federal Republic of Gennany." "[The Chronicle] concludes with a mini-symposium prompted by a proposal for halakhic unity recently advanced by Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto in the United Kingdom" (pp. 1-2): S. Brichto, "Halakhah with Humility...

