In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Islands


5030 Allen, R.B., Children and European slave trading during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, in Campbell, G., Miers, S. and Miller, J.C. (eds), Children in slavery through the ages, pp. 35-54. (Item No. 483)
5031 Jones, S., Colonial to postcolonial ethics: Indian Ocean 'Belongers', 1668-2008. Interventions 2009 11 2 212-34

History, C6-18th

5032 Disney, A.R., The Atlantic islands and fisheries, in A History of Portugal and the Portuguese empire, vol. 2, pp. 45-83. (Item No. 485)

International Relations

5033 Bhattacharjee, A., French policies in the Western Indian Ocean Islands (1990-2005), in Dubey, A. (ed.), France and Africa, pp. 81-98. (Item No. 671)

Languages and Linguistics

5034 Larson, P.M., Ocean of letters: language and Creolization in an Indian Ocean diaspora. Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2009 378 pp.

Religion - Christianity

5035 Rich, C.H., The Fifohazana: Madagascar's indigenous Christian movement. Amherst, NY Cambria Press 2008 276 pp.

Cape Verde


5036 Carling, J., Åkesson, L., Mobility at the heart of a nation: patterns and meanings of Cape Verdean migration. International migration 2009 47 3 123-56
5037 Sarmento, J., A Sweet and amnesiac present: the postcolonial landscape and memory markings in Cape Verde. Social and cultural geography 2009 10 5 523-44


See also: 5037
5038 Drotbohm, H., Horizons of long-distance intimacies: reciprocity, contribution and disjuncture in Cape Verde. History of the family 2009 14 2 132-49
5039 Filho, W.T., The Conservative aspects of a centripetal diaspora: the case of the Cape Verdean Tabancas. Africa 2009 79 4 520-42

Economics - Development

5040 Challinor, E., Bargaining in the development market-place: [End Page 328] insights from Cape Verde. Berlin Lit Verlag 2008 215 pp.


5041 Carter, K., Aulette, J., Cape Verdean women and globalization. New York Palgrave 2009 196 pp.
5042 Grassi, M., Identities economy and development in contemporary Cape Verdean migratory movement: the primacy of the gender. Studia Africana 2007 18 61-8

History, C6-18th

5043 Keys, D., Europe's medieval slave trade. BBC history magazine 2009 10 2 10-11


5044 do Anjos, J. C., Sobre o escândalo politico em Cabo Verde. Lusotopie 2009 16 1 25-43



5045 Saïd, M.S.H., Les difficultés d'éclosion de la justice administrative en Afrique francophone: l'exemple des Comores. Revue juridique et politique des états francophones 2009 63 1 3-26



5046 Cole, J., Love, money and economics of intimacy in Tamatave, Madagascar, in Cole, J. and Thomas, L.M. (eds), Love in Africa, pp. 109-34. (Item No. 21)


5047 Bellemare, M.F., Sharecropping, insecure land rights and land tithing policies: a case study of Lac Alatroa. Developent policy review 2009 27 1 87-106
5048 Cadot, O., Dutoit, L., de Melo, J., The Elimination of Madagascar's Vanilla Marketing Board, 10 years on. Journal of African economies 2009 18 3 388-430
5049 Dabat, M-H. and others, L'agriculture malgache peut-elle sortir de l'impasse démo-économique? Autrepart 2008 46 189-202
5050 Teller, A., Lardon, S., Farmers' adaptation capacities in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar: from forest clearers to environmental managers. Outlook on agriculture 2009 38 2 119-26


5051 Fiéloux, M., Lombard, J., Le riche beugle (sud-Ouest de Madagascar). Journal des Africanistes 2008 78 1-2 53-70


5052 Gibert, M-P., Meinhof, U. H., Inspiration triangulaire: musique, tourisme et développement à Madagascar. Cahiers d'études africaines 2009 49 1-2 227-56
5053 Ravelontsalama, N., Representations et fonctions de la bande dessinée à Madagascar. Études Océan Indien 2008 40/41 257-68 [End Page 329]


5054 Razariheliosa, M., Gabriel Rajonah (1895-1972), homme de lettres, essayiste à la croisée de plusieurs cultures. Études Océan Indien 2008 40/41 139-59
5055 Roubeau-Rahariosa, J., Charles Renel: une vie, une époque, une oeuvre: éléments de biographie. Études Océan Indien 2008 40/41 237-55

Current Affairs

5056 Gaubert, D., Mobilisation populaire et répression à Madagascar. Les transgressions de la cité culturelle. Politique africaine 2009 113 139-50
5057 Pellerin, M., Madagascar: un conflit d'entrepreneurs...

