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CONTRIBUTORS AND EDITORS. YvesBoyeris DeputyDirectorofCRESTEcolePolytechniqueinParis. He is a lectureratthe EcolePolytechnique andtheEcole Spéciale Militairede Saint Cyr, and aprofessorat the Collège Interarmée de Défense. He has also lectured atthe Institutd'Etudes Politiques de Paris and atthe Ecole Nationale d'Administration, as well as been a researcher at the Institut Français des Relations Internationales, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (USS), andaguest scholarattheWoodrow WilsonCenterinWashington. He has published numerous articles in Revue Française d'Administration Publique, Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, Le Temps Stratégiques, Revue Défense Nationale, Politique Etrangère, The Alliance Papers, The Washington Quarterly, Europa Archiv, among others. He is also co-author and co-editor of numerous books and articles on European defense and security, including The Future ofNuclear Deterrence (1992), "New Technologies for Security and Arms Control," in European Nuclear Forces and U.S. Strategy after the INF Treaty (1989), "Pour une Nouvelle Entente Cordiale—La Relance de l'Alliance Franco-Britannique en Matière de Sécurité," in Travaux et Recherches de TIFRI (1988), and French Security Policy(1986). HeattendedtheInstitutd'Etudes PolitiquesdeParis, andholds a Doctorat d'Etat degree in political science. DavidP.Calleo(Introductionandco-editor)isDeanAchesonProfessor and Director of European Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) ofthe Johns Hopkins University (Washington, DC). He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University; has taught at Brown, Yale and Columbia Universities, and at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris; was a Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford; and served as consultant to the U.S. Undersecretary of State for 121 122 SAISREVIEW Political Affairs. He has published extensively on political and economic issues concerning Europe and the United States. His books includeAmerica and the World Political Economy, with Benjamin Rowland (1973); The German Problem Reconsidered (1978); The Imperious Economy (1982); BeyondAmerican Hegemony: The FutureoftheAtlanticAlliance (1987); and The Bankrupting ofAmerica (1992). Jean-Claude Chesnais is Research Director at the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. He lectures at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, and at the SAIS Bologna Center. During the fall of 1992, he was a U.S.-CREST Professor at SAIS European Studies in Washington. He serves as a consultant to the Organization for Economic CooperationandDevelopment,theCouncilofEurope,theEuropeanCommunity , the Fondation des Etudes pour la Défense Nationale, and the Institut Français des Relations Internationales. He holds a doctorate in economics from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. He has published numerous books, including La Population du Monde: de l'Antiquitéà 2050 (1991 ) and The Demographic Transition: Stages, Patterns, andEconomic Implications, a Longitudinal Study ofSixty-Seven Countries Covering the Period 17201984 (1992). His numerous reports and articles have appeared in Population andDevelopment Review, the Population Bulletin ofthe United Nations, and Population, the European Journal ofPopulation. Benoîtd'Aboville is AmbassadorofFrance to the Czech Republic. His paper was written while he was Consul General of France in New York. He has also served in the French Embassies in Washington and Moscow, andhas been Deputy Undersecretary for Political Affairs in the French Foreign Ministry. Hehasbeen involvedin theCSCEprocessattheMadridandVienna review meetings, the Stockholm CDE Conference and was also the French Representative to the High Level Task Force on conventional arms control in Europe at NATO headquarters in Brussels. He was educated at the Institut d'EtudesPolitiquesdeParisandtheEcoleNationaled'Administration. Hehas written and taught extensively on arms control, East-West relations and European security issues. RaphaëlHadas-LebelisaSeniorVice-PresidentandSecretaryGeneral ofthe ElfAquitaineGroup(since 1984). Hehasbeen aConseillerd'Etatsince 1967. HealsoteachesattheInstitutd'EtudesPolitiquesdeParis, isacolumnist forL'Express, Chairman ofthe Board forthe National Music Conservatory in CONTRIBUTORS AND EDITORS 123 Paris (since 1987), and Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Conseil NationalduPatronatFrançais. HehasbeenanadvisertotheCentralPlanning Agency, a counsellor to the French Council for European Affairs, and an advisertothePrimeMinisterforLegal,SocialandCulturalAffairs(1976-81). HewaseducatedattheSorbonne, theInstitutd'EtudesPolitiquesdeParis,the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, and the Harvard Business School. Jean-Pierre Landau is Director in the Direction des Relations EconomiquesExtérieuresintheFrenchMinistryofEconomyandFinance. He wrotehispaperforthisvolumewhilehewastheExecutiveDirectorforFrance attheInternationalMonetaryFundandtheWorldBankinWashington(1989— 93), wherehewas alsoaU.S.-CRESTProfessoratSAIS. Hehasheldvarious positionsintheMinistryofEconomyandFinance, andservedasanaidetothe Minister for Health and Social Security (1978-79), and the Minister of External Trade (1979-80). He was educated at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, the Institut d'Etudes...

